Study Materials
Online Surveys
2016 Baseline Survey (PDF)
Interactive versions: (1) male, age 50 and over ; (2) male, age under 50 ; (3) female, age 50 and over ; (4) female, age under 50
2017 One-Year Follow-Up Survey (PDF)
Interactive versions: (1) male, age 50 and over ; (2) male, age under 50 ; (3) female, age 50 and over ; (4) female, age under 50
2018 Two-Year Follow-Up Survey (PDF)
Interactive versions: (1) male, age 50 and over ; (2) female, age 50 and over ; (3) male, age under 50 ; (4) female, age under 50
On-Site Survey and Biometric Screening Form
Biometric Expectations Survey (PDF)
Biometric Screening Form (PDF)
WYOUNG: Multiple hypothesis testing in Stata
This Stata package controls the family-wise error rate when performing multiple hypothesis tests by estimating adjusted p-values using the free step-down resampling methodology of Westfall and Young (1993). The latest version can be downloaded from Github or by typing ssc install wyoung, replace at the Stata prompt. Additional details about the methodology are available here.
Public use datasets are available on GitHub.