Roybal Center - Publications

Beshears J, Dai H, Milkman JL, Benartzi S. (2021). Using fresh starts to nudge increased retirement savings. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 163, pp.6-16
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2021). Active choice, implicit defaults, and the incentive to choose. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 163, pp.6-16.
Milkman KL, Gromet D, Ho H, et al. (2021). Megastudies improve the impact of applied behavioural science. Nature 600, p.478-483.
Milkman KL, Patel MS, et al. (2021). A megastudy of text-based nudges encouraging patients to get vaccinated at an upcoming doctor's appointment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(20), e2101165118.
Kong, Edward et al. (2020) “Do physician incentives increase patient medication adherence?.” Health Services Research 55(4), pp.503-511.
Beshears J, Kosowsky H (2020). Nudging: Progress to date and future directions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Making Processes 161 (Supp), pp.3-19.
Beshears J, Lee HN, Milkman K, Mislavsky R, Wisdom J (2020). Creating Exercise Habits Using Incentives: The Trade-off Between Flexibility and Routinization. Management Science 67(7), p.3985-4642.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Harris C, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Sakong J (2020). Which Early Withdrawal Penalty Attracts the Most Deposits to a Commitment Savings Account? Journal of Public Economics 183.
Benjamin DJ, Laibson D, Mischel W, Peake PK, Shoda Y, Wellsjo AS, Wilson NL (2019). Predicting mid-life capital formation with pre-school delay of gratification and life-course measures of self-regulation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization179, pp.743-756.
Fadlon I, Nielson TH (2019). Household labor supply and the gains from social insurance. Journal of Public Economics 171, pp.18-28.
Turley P, Walters RK, Maghzian O, Okbay A, Lee JJ, Fontana MA, Nguyen-Viet TA, Wedow R, Zacher M, Furlotte NA, 23andMe Research Team, Social Science Genetic Association Consortium, Magnusson P, Oskarsson S, Johannesson M, Visscher PM, Laibson D, Cesarini D, Neale BM, Benjamin DJ (2018). Multi-trait analysis of genome-wide association summary statistics using MTAG. Nature Genetics 50(2), pp.229-37.
Alsan M, Beshears J, Armstrong WS, Choi JJ, Madrian BC, Nguyen MLT, Del Rio C, Laibson D, Marconi VC (2017). A Commitment Contract to Achieve Virologic Suppression in Poorly Adherent Patients with HIV/AIDS. AIDS 1(12), pp.1765-9.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2017). Does aggregated returns disclosure increase portfolio risk-taking? Review of Financial Studies 30(6), pp.1971-2005.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2017). Does front-loading taxation increase savings? Evidence from Roth 401(k) Introductions. Journal of Public Economics 151 (July), pp.84-95.
Rogers T and Milkman KL (2016). Reminders through association. Psychological Science 27(7), pp.973-986.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson DI, Madrian BC, Reynolds GI (2016). Vaccination Rates are Associated with Functional Proximity but Not Base Proximity of Vaccination Clinics. Medical Care 54(6), pp.578-583.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Wang S (2016). Who Is Easier to Nudge?
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2015). Liquidity in Retirement Systems: An International Comparison. American Economic Review 105(5), pp.420-425.
Chow JY, Alsan M, Armstrong W, Del Rio C, Marconi VC (2015). Risk factors for AID-defining illness among a population of poorly adherent people living with HIV/AIDS in Atlanta, Georgia. AIDS Care 27(7), pp.844-848.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Milkman KL (2015). The Effect of Providing Peer Information on Retirement Savings Decisions. The Journal of Finance 70(3), pp.1161-1201.
Madrian BC (2014). Applying insights from behavioral economics to policy design. Annual Review of Economics, pp.663-688.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2014). Who uses the Roth 401(k), and how do they use it? In: NBER Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, University of Chicago Press: 2014, pp.411-440.
Milkman KL, Minson JA, Volpp KGM (2014). Holding the hunger games hostage at the gym: An evaluation of temptation bundling. Management Science 60(2), pp.283-299.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Zeldes SP (2014). What makes annuitization more appealing? Journal of Public Economics 116, pp.2-16.
Agarwal S, Driscoll JC, Laibson DI (2013). Optimal mortgage refinancing: a closed form solution. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 45(4), pp.591-622.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Fuster A, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2013). What goes up must come down? Experimental evidence on intuitive forecasting. American Economic Review (103(5), pp.314-331.
Milkman KL, Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2013). Planning prompts as a means of increasing preventative screening rates. Preventative Medicine 56, pp.92-93.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Reynolds G (2013). Testimonials do not convert patients from brand to generic medication. American Journal of Managed Care 19(9), pp.314-331.
Milkman KL, Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2012). Following Through on Good Intentions: The Power of Planning Prompts. NBER Working Paper 17995.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2012). The Effect of Providing Peer Information on Retirement Savings Decisions. RAND Working Paper WR-800-SSA.
Choi JJ, Hastings J, Shrestha U (2012). The Impact of Risk and the Financial Crisis on Perceptions of Privatized Social Security and Retirement Planning. NBER Retirement Research Center Paper NB-12-07.
Milkman KL, Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC (2011). Using implementation intentions prompts to enhance influenza vaccination rates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(26), pp.10415-10420.
Beshears J, Choi JJ, Laibson D, Madrian BC, Sakong J (2011). Self-Control and Liquidity: How to Design a Commitment Contract. RAND Working Paper WR-895-SSA.