Friends with Benefits: Social Capital and Household Financial Behavior
Using friendship data from Facebook, we study the effects of three aspects of social capital on household financial behavior. We find that the most important measure of social capital in explaining stock market and saving participation is Economic Connectedness, defined as the fraction of one’s social network with high socioeconomic status. One standard-deviation greater Economic Connectedness is associated with 2.9% greater stock market participation and 5.0% greater saving participation. Compared to Cohesiveness or Civic Engagement, Economic Connectedness explains more than 6 times the variation in stock market participation and more than 4 times the variation in saving participation. Using data on nonlocal friendships, we provide evidence supporting a causal link between household financial behavior and the income of one's friends. Furthermore, we provide evidence that greater opportunities for social interaction with wealthy individuals is associated with increased stock market and saving participation.