This paper describes data on U.S. exports from 1972-1994, classified according to the Schedule B' system, Harmonized System (HS), Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Revisions 2 and 3), and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC, 1972 basis), along with various concordances. All of these data sets are disaggregated by the destination country for exports. U.S. Exports, 1972-1994,' which can be ordered for $50 from the Publications Department, NBER, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. A summary of the SIC data, which does not contain the source country detail and incorporates earlier years, is available via anonymous FTP from /pub/feenstra, or via the Web from Disk 1 of the NBER Trade Database contained complete data on U.S. imports, and included on this CD-ROM is a revision to the SIC imports for the years 1989-1994. In" addition, the CD-ROM includes state-level exports and a number of other U.S. datasets contributed by various researchers, such as tariff reductions under NAFTA, antidumping cases, domestic and imported automobile data, materials consumption by industry, foreign trade zones, foreign investment, and programs used to construct and update the data.
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