NBER affiliates can access this and other data through the NBER computing system. Files can be located using the directory path of each download link replacing "https://data.nber.org/" with "/homes/data/". For example, these POS datasets can be found under "/homes/data/pos/" on the internal NBER computer cluster. For more information on the data available on the internal server see NBER Internal Data Collection page.
Provider of Service Data
Q4 file for 2011-2023:
Provider of service data is collected from CMS Form 1539 plus Medicare/Medicaid applications for certification:
The naming covention changed to mnemonic names from PROVNNNN-type names in 2011. A crosswalk for select variables is available.
The Provider of Service file includes provider ZIP Code. A ZIP Code distance database is also available.
The provider category code variable lists the categories of providers or suppliers from 1991-on that are included in the provider of service file.
Some Hospitals ( provider category = "01" ) have an "E" or "F" in position 6 of the provider number. The "E" indicates a Non-federal emergency hospital. The "F" indicates a Federal emergency hospital. See 2779E on page 13 of R29SOMA.pdf. These hospitals are non-participating hospitals where participting is defined in part of Title XVIII in 1866.
The Provider of Services file is a historic file, so only a recent file might be needed.