NBER Macrohistory: VIII. Income and Employment
Source NBER
VIII. Income and Employment
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | a08004 | Great Britain Employment in the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners 1860-1910 |
db | dat | doc | a08049 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings of Office Employees in New York State Factories 1914-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08050a | U.S. Average Hourly Money Earnings in Payroll Manufacturing Industries 1890-1926 |
db | dat | doc | a08050b | U.S. Average Hourly Money Earnings in Payroll Manufacturing Industries 1920-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a08051a | U.S. Average Hourly Money Earnings in Book and Job Printing 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08051b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings in Book and Job Printing 1921-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a08052 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings in Planing Mills 1890-1926 |
db | dat | doc | a08053 | U.S. Average Hourly Money Earning in Metal Trades 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08054a | U.S. Average Union Hourly Earnings in Building Trades 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08054b | U.S. Average Union Hourly Earnings in Building Trades 1913-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a08056 | U.S. Average Annual Earnings of Railroad Clerks 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08057a | U.S. Annual Salaries of Clerical Employees, Pennsylvania 1909-1926 |
db | dat | doc | a08057b | U.S. Annual Salaries of Clerical Employees, Pennsylvania 1922-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08058 | U.S. Average Annual Salaries of Postal Employees 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08059 | U.S. Average Annual Earnings of Teachers 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08060 | U.S. Increases in Average Annual Earnings of Teachers 1890-1928 |
db | dat | doc | a08061a | U.S. Index of Composite Wages 1820-1909 |
db | dat | doc | a08066 | U.S. Relative Hourly Wage Rates in Manufacturing and Mechanical Industries 1890-1907 |
db | dat | doc | a08085 | Germany Dividends of German Stock Companies 1870-1913, 1920-1932 |
db | dat | doc | a08138 | U.S. Laborers' Average Hourly Rate of Wages, Unweighted 1860-1891 |
db | dat | doc | a08139 | U.S. Laborers' Average Hourly Rate of Wages, Weighted 1860-1891 |
db | dat | doc | a08140 | U.S. Laborers' Average Daily Rate of Wages 1860-1880 |
db | dat | doc | a08148 | France Average Daily Earnings, Coal Miners 1844-1959 |
db | dat | doc | a08158 | U.S. Net Income of Farm Operators From Farming 1910-1941 |
db | dat | doc | a08165 | U.S. Gross National Product in Current Prices 1919-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a08166 | U.S. Gross National Product in 1929 Prices 1919-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a08167 | U.S. National Income in Current Prices 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08169a | U.S. Aggregate Payments Including Entrepreneurial Savings 1909-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a08169aa | U.S. Aggregate Payments To Individuals 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08169b | U.S. Aggregate Payments Including Entrepreneurial Savings 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08169c | U.S. Aggregate Payments Including Entrepreneurial Savings 1929-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a08170 | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment 1900-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a08171a | U.S. Total Employment 1900-1929 |
db | dat | doc | a08171b | U.S. Total Employment 1927-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a08172 | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08180 | U.S. Total Population, July 1 1900-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a08181 | U.S Wages and Salaries, Total 1919-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a08181a | U.S. Wages, Salaries and Other Payments To Employees 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08182 | U.S. NBER Series: 08182 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08183 | U.S. Entreprenurial Withdrawals 1919-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a08184 | U.S. Net Rent Received By Individuals 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08185 | U.S. Dividends Received By Individuals 1919-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a08186 | U.S. Interest Received By Individuals 1919-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a08187 | U.S. NBER Series: 08187 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08188 | U.S. Salaries in Mining, 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08189 | U.S. Wages in Mining 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08190 | U.S. Salaries in Construction 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08191 | U.S. Wages in Construction 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08192 | U.S. Salaries in Steam Railroads, Pullman Company 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08193 | U.S. Wages in Steam Railroads, Pullman Company 1919-1938 |
db | dat | doc | a08194a | U.S. Cash Dividends, Large Manufacturing Corporations 1915-1922 |
db | dat | doc | a08194b | U.S. Cash Dividends, Large Manufacturing Corporations 1921-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a08195 | U.S. Cash Dividends, Medium-Sized and Small Manufacturing Corporations 1917-1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08001a | U.S. NBER Series: 08001 01/1923-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08001b | U.S. NBER Series: 08001 01/1923-07/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m08001c | U.S. 01/1939-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m08002aa | U.K. Trade Union Members Unemployed, Total 01/1887-05/1924 |
db | dat | doc | m08002ab | U.K. Insured Workers Unemployed 01/1920-09/1920, 11/1920-10/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08003 | Great Britain Percentage Employed, Metal Engineering and Shipbuilding Workers, Trade Union Members 01/1888-12/1926, 01/1932-11/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08004a | Great Britain Trade Union Members Unemployed, Building Trades FIRST, 1922-FOURTH, 1926 01/1888-12/1921 |
db | dat | doc | m08004b | U.K. Percentage Unemployed, Building Trades, Insured Workers 05/1921-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08005 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment 01/1889-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m08006 | U.S. Employment of Representative Trade Union Members 12/1901-06/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m08009aa | U.S. Wage Earners Employed in All Construction Work (As of the 15th Of The Month) 01/1914-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m08009ab | U.S. Index of Employment, Construction, Ohio 01/1923-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08009ba | U.S. Index of Employment, Class I Steam Railroads, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1923-02/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08010a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Total 06/1914-05/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m08010b | U.S. Production Worker Employment, Manufacturing, Total 01/1919-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08011a | New York State NBER Series: 08011 01/1915-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08011b | New York State 01/1935-05/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08012 | U.S. 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08013a | U.S. 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08013b | U.S. 01/1939-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08014a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Paper and Printing, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08014b | U.S. Factory Employment, Paper and Printing 01/1939-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08015a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Iron and Steel Products, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08015b | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Iron and Steel And Their Products 01/1939-07/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m08015c | U.S. Factory Employment, Iron and Steel And Their Products 01/1947-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m08015d | U.S. Factory Employment, Iron and Steel And Products 01/1951-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08016 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Stone, Clay and Glass Products, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08017 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Lumber and Products, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08018a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Machinery, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08018b | U.S. Factory Employment, Machinery 01/1939-12/1964 |
db | dat | doc | m08019a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Automobile, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1924 |
db | dat | doc | m08019b | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Transportation, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1923-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08019c | U.S. Factory Employment, Transportation Equipment 01/1939-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08020 | U.S. Unemployment of Trade Union Members, Total SECOND, 1903 - SECOND, 1906 06/1906-01/1933, 08/1933-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08021 | Germany Employment, Metal Trades THIRD, 1903 - FOURTH, 1908 01/1907-12/1932 |
db | dat | doc | m08022 | Germany Employment, Building Trades 04/1914-12/1932 |
db | dat | doc | m08023a | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 01/1904-11/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m08023b | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 01/1914-03/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m08023c | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 01/1925-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m08023d | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 12/1924-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m08023e | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 01/1928-10/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08023f | Germany Employed Members of Sickness Societies, Male and Female 01/1928-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08024a | France Percentage Unemployed Among Trade Union Members THIRD, 1897 - FOURTH, 1899 06/1897-12/1899 |
db | dat | doc | m08024aa | France Coefficient of Placement Index, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1920-02/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m08024b | France Percentage Unemployed Among Trade Union Members, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1900 - SECOND, 1914 06/1897-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m08025 | U.S. Registrations For Positions, Free Employment Office 08/1920-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m08026 | U.S. Positions Open, Illinois Free Employment Offices 08/1920-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08027 | U.S. Labor Market Index 01/1920-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08028 | Germany Male Applicants Per Hundred Positions 01/1896-07/1914,01/1915-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08029a | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Manufacturing Industries, Total Wage Earners, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08029b | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Production Workers, Manufacturing, Total, BLS 01/1932-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08030 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week Per Wage Earner, All Male, Twenty-Five Manufacturing Industries 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08031 | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week Per Wage Earner, Male, Semi-Skilled and Skilled, Twenty-Five Manufacturing 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08032 | U.S. Average Actual Hours Worked Per Week Per Wage Earner, Male, Unskilled, Twenty-Five Manufacturing Industries 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08033 | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week Per Wage Earner, Female, Twenty-Five Manufacturing Industries 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08034a | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, All Wage-Earners 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08034b | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, All Wage-Earners, BLS 01/1939-09/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08035 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, Skilled and Semi-Skilled Shop Workers. THIRD, 1924 - FOURTH, 1933 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08036 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, Train and Engine Service. 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08037 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, Unskilled Labor FIRST, 1924 - FOURTH, 1932 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08038 | U.K. Iron Mining, Average Number of Days Per Week Worked For Each Month 01/1895-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08039 | U.S. Estimated Per Capita Money Earnings of Wage Earners in Manufacturing Industries 01/1915-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08040 | U.S. Average Absolute Annual Earnings of Employees Or Wage Earners in All Manufacturing Industries 01/1915-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08041 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings in Twelve Manufacturing Industries 01/1917-02/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08042 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings of First Class Railroad Employees, All Wage Earners 07/1921-06/1943, 01/1947-09/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08043 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, Skilled and Semi-Skilled Shop Employees of First Class Railroads FIRST AND SECOND, 1921; THIRD, 1924 - FOURTH, 1934 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08044 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, First Class Railroad Employees, Train and Engine Service 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08045 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, First Class Railroad Employees, Unskilled Labor FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1922; FIRST, 1924 - FOURTH, 1932 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08046 | New York State Average Weekly Earnings, Representative Factories 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08047 | U.S. Average Monthly Wages, Professional Clerical and General Employees of First Class Steam Railroads 07/1921-02/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08048a | Great Britain Index of Wages 01/1919-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08048b | Great Britain New Index of Average Weekly Wages, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1925-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08055 | U.S. Straight Time Hourly Earnings, Professional, Clerical, and General Railroad Employees 07/1921-02/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08061b | U.S. Index of Composite Wages 01/1910-12/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m08061c | U.S. Index of Composite Wages 01/1919-07/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08061d | U.S. Index of Composite Wages 01/1938-10/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m08062 | U.S. Average Hourly Wages, Common Labor On Federal-Aid Road Building Projects 01/1922-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08063 | U.S. Average Wages, Steel Workers, Youngstown District 01/1917-04/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m08064 | U.S. Index of Electric Railway and Bus Wages 01/1933-07/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08064a | U.S. Street Railway Wages Index 01/1914-04/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m08067 | U.S. Estimated Per Capita Real Earnings of Wage Earners in Manufacturing Industries 01/1915-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08068 | U.S. Index Af Ral Annual Earnings , All Manufactoring Industries 1/1915-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08069a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Total 11/1915-06/1922 |
db | dat | doc | m08069b | U.S. Index of Aggregate Weekly Payrolls, Production Workers, Total Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08070a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Food Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08070b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Food Products, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Bureau Of Economic Research. 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08071a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Textiles 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08071b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Textiles 01/1947-03/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m08071c | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Textiles 01/1951-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08072a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Paper and Printing 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08072b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Paper and Printing 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08073 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Iron and Steel Products 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08073aa | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Iron and Steel 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08074 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Stone Clay and Glass 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08075 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Lumber and Products 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08076a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Machinery 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08076b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Machinery 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08077a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Transportation Equipment 01/1923-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08077b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Transportation Equipment 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08078a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, New York State Factories 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08078b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls 01/1935-05/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08079a | U.S. Total Dividend Payments 09/1884-12/1903 |
db | dat | doc | m08079b | U.S. Total Dividend Payments 01/1906-12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m08079c | U.S. Total Dividend Payments 01/1925-03/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08080a | U.S. Dividend Payments, Industrial Corporations 01/1902-12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m08080b | U.S. Dividend Payments, Industrial Corporations 01/1925-03/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08081 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment- Wearing Apparel 1919-1941 01/1919-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08082a | U.S. Help-Wanted Advertising in Newspapers, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 01/1919-08/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08082b | U.S. Help-Wanted Advertising in Newspapers, Nicb 01/1951-01/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08083 | U.S. Total Interest Payments 09/1884-12/1903, 01, 05-06, 10-12/1906, 01-08, 11-12/1907, 02/1908-01/1909, 04, 06-12/1909, 06/1910-03/1912, 05/1912-06/1918, 08/1918- 04/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m08084a | U.S. Unemployment 01/1929-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08084b | U.S. Unemployment 03/1940-12/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08084c | U.S. Unemployment 1947-1966 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08086 | U.S. 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08087 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment-Slaughtering and Meat Packing 1919-1942 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08088 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment-Baking 1919-1942 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08089 | For 1919-30 BLS Bulletin 10 Pp 105,72-73 For 1931-33 BLS Mimeo Release November 1936 - Revised Index Numbers of Factory Employment and Payrolls. |
db | dat | doc | m08090a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment- Tobacco Manufacturers, B.L.S. 1919-1956 01/1919-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08090b | U.S. Index of Factory Employment- Tobacco Manufacturers, B.L.S. 1919-1956 01/1939-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m08090c | U.S. Index of Factory Employment- Tobacco Manufacturers, B.L.S. 1919-1956 01/1919-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08091 | U.S. NBER Series: 08091 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08092 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Men's Clothing, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08093 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Women's Clothing 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08094 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Millinery 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08095 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Shirts and Collars 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08096 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Dyeing and Finishing 1919-1941 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08097 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Fabrics 1919-1941 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08098 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Cotton Goods, B.L.S. 1919-1941 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08099. | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Silk and Rayon Goods 1919-1914 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08099 | U.S. 1919-1941 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08100 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Knit Goods, B.L.S. 1919-1938 01/1919-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08101a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Leather and Manufactures, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08101b | U.S. Factory Employment, Leather and Manufactures 01/1939-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08102 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Leather 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08103 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Boots and Shoes 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08103aa | U.S Index of Factory Employment, Boots and Shoes 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08104 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Paper and Pulp 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08104aa | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Paper and Pulp 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08105 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Paper Boxes 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08106 | U.S. Index of Employment, Hardware 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08107 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Glass 01/1919-07/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08108 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Cement 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08109a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Furniture 01/1919-08/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08109aa | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Furniture 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08109b | U.S. Factory Employment, Furniture and Fixtures 01/1947-01/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08110 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Cane Sugar Refining 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08111 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls-Slaughtering and Meat Packing 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08112 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Baking, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08113 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Flour, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08114a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Tobacco Manufactures, Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08114b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Tobacco Manufactures, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Bureau Of Economic Research. 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08115 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Wearing Apparel 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08116 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Men's Clothing, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08117 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Women's Clothing 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08118 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Millinery, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08119 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Shirts and Collars 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08120 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Dyeing and Finishing 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08121 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Fabrics, 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08122 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Cotton Goods 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08123 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls - Silk and Rayon Goods 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08124a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Knit Goods 01/1919-12/1924 |
db | dat | doc | m08124b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Knit Goods 01/1923-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08125a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Leather and Manufactures, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08125b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Leathers and Manufactures 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08126 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Leather 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08127a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Boots and Shoes 01/1919-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08127aa | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Boots and Shoes 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08127b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Boots and Shoes 01/1939-08/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08128 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Paper and Pulp 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08128aa | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Paper and Pulp 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08129 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Paper Boxes 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08130 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Hardware 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08131 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Glass 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08132 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Cement 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08133a | U.S. Index of Payrolls, Furniture 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08133aa | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Furniture 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08133b | U.S. Factory Payrolls Furniture and Fixtures 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08134 | Great Britain --Great Britain And North Of Ireland Employment in Export-Sensitive Trades 01/1924-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08135 | U.K. Employment in Producers' Durable Goods Trades 01/1924-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08136 | U.K. Employment in Consumers' Durable Goods Trades 01/1924-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08137 | U.K. Employment in Consumers' Non Durable Goods Trades 01/1924-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08141 | Great Britain--England, Ireland, Wales Percentage Employed Among the Friendly Society of Iron Founders 12/1854-12/1910 |
db | dat | doc | m08142 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Twenty-Five Manufacturing Industries, National Industrial Conference Board 01/1920-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08143 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Cotton Manufacturing 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-10/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08144 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Automobiles, 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08145 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Automobiles 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08146a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Total Durable Goods 1919-1937 01/1919-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m08146b | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Total Durable Goods 1919-1937 01/1919-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m08146c | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Total Durable Goods 1919-1937 01/1919-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m08149 | U.S. Man-Hours Paid For in Maintenance of Way and Structures, Class I Railroads 07/1921-11/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08150 | U.S. Man-Hours Paid For in Maintenance of Equipment and Stores, Class I Railroads 07/1921-11/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08151 | U.S. Total Number of Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Railroads 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08152 | U.S. Straight Time Man-Hours Worked, All Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Railroads, Icc 07/1922-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08153 | U.S. Overtime Man-Hours Paid For All Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Railroads, Icc 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08154 | U.S. Total Hours Worked Per Month, Per Employee, All Employees On Hourly Basis 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08155 | U.S. Straight Time Hours Worked Per Month, Per Employee, All Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Railroads 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08156 | U.S. Overtime Hours Worked Per Month, Per Employee, All Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Railroads 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08157 | U.S. Total Man-Hours Worked-All Employees On Hourly Basis, Class I Steam Railroads (Including Switching and Terminal 07/1921-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08159 | U.S. Road Freight Service, Straight Time Worked 07/1921-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08160 | U.S. Road Freight Service, Time Paid For But Not Worked 01/1926-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08161 | U.S. Road Freight Service, Overtime 07/1921-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08162 | U.S. Road Passenger Service, Straight Time Worked 07/1921-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08163 | U.S. Road Passenger Service, Time Paid For But Not Worked 07/1921-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08164 | U.S. Road Passenger Service, Overtime 07/1921-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m08168b | U.S. Personal Income 01/1929-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m08168c | U.S. Personal Income, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-09/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m08173a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Building Materials 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08173b | U.S. Factory Employment, Building Materials 01/1947-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08174 | U.S. Aggregate Compensation On An Hourly Basis, Railway Workers 07/1921-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m08175 | U.S. Aggregate Compensation On A Daily Basis, Railway Workers 07/1921-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08176 | U.S. Straight Time Hours Paid For But Not Worked, Railroad Employees For Whom Hours Are Reported 01/1926-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08177 | U.S. Man-Days Paid For, Railroad Employees For Whom Days Are Reported 07/1921-08/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m08178 | U.S. Straight Time Hourly Earnings, First Class Railroads 07/1921-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m08179 | U.S. Overtime Man-Hours Paid For Employees On Hourly Basis, All Employees, Excluding Train and Engine Employees At Overtime 07/1921-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08196a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Meat Packing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08196b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Meat Packing, BLS 01/1932-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08197 | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Silk and Rayon Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08198a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Leather Tanning and Finishing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08198b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Leather Tanning and Finishing, BLS 01/1932-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08199a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Boot and Shoe Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08199b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Boot and Shoe Manufacturing, BLS 01/1935-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08200a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Furniture Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08200b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Furniture Manufacturing, BLS 01/1947-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08201a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Automobile Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08201b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Automobile Manufacturing, BLS 01/1934-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08202a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Meat Packing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08202b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Meat Packing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08203a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Silk and Rayon Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08203b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Cotton, Silk, and Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1947-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08204a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Leather Tanning and Finishing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08204b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Leather Tanning and Finishing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08205a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Boot and Shoe Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1923-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08205b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Boot and Shoe Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1935-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m082068 | U.S. Relative Index of Real Annual Earnings in All Manufacturing Industries 01/1915-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m08206a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Furniture Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12-1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08206b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Furniture Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08207a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Automobile Manufacturing 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08207b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Automobile Manufacturing 01/1934-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08208a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Iron and Steel Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08208b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Iron and Steel Manufacturing, BLS 01/1932-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08209a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Electrical Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08209b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Electrical Machinery Manufacturing, BLS 01/1947-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08210a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Iron and Steel Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1923-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08210b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Iron and Steel Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08211a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Electrical Manufacturing 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08211b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Electrical Manufacturing 01/1947-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08212a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrrolls, Electrical Equipment 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08212b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Electrical Equipment 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08213a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Electrical Equipment 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08213b | U.S. Factory Employment, Electrical Machinery 01/1939-01/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08214a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Chemical Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08214b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Chemicals and Allied Products Manufacturing, BLS 01/1947-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08215a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Chemical Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08215b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Chemicals and Allied Product Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1947-1960 01/1947-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08216a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Chemicals 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08216b | U.S. Factory Employment, Chemicals and Allied Products 01/1939-01/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08217 | U.S. Number of Salaried Workers Employed, Mfg., Ohio 01/1919-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08217a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Chemicals 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08217b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Chemicals 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08218a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Rubber Products Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08218b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Rubber Products Manufacturing, BLS 01/1947-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08219a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Rubber Products Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08219b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Rubber Products Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08220a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Rubber Products 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08220b | U.S. Factory Employment, Rubber Products 01/1939-01/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08221a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Rubber Products 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08221b | U.S. Factory Payrolls, Rubber Products 01/1947-03/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m08222 | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Machine and Machine Tools Manufacturing, Nicb 07/1924, 12/1924-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08223 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Machine and Machine Tool Manufacturing 07&12/1920-1924, 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08224 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Machine and Machine Tools 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08225 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Machines and Machine Tools 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08226 | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Heavy Equipment Manufacturing 07/1924, 12/1924-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08227 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Heavy Equipment Manufacturing 07&12/1920-1924, 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08228 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Heavy Equipment 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08229 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Heavy Equipment 01/1925-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08230a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Wool Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08230b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Wool Manufacturing, BLS 01/1947-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08231a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Wool Manufacturing, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08231b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Woolen and Worsted Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1947-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08232 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Wool, Nicb 1920-1942 01/1920-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08233 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Wool 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08234a | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Paper and Pulp Manufacturing, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08234b | U.S. Average Actual Hours of Work Per Week, Paper and Pulp Manufacturing, BLS 01/1932-10/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08235a | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Paper and Pulp, National Industrial Conference Board 06/1920-12/1921, 07/1922-12/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08235b | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Paper and Pulp Manufacturing, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-03/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08236a | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Blast Furnaces, Steel Works, and Rolling Mills 01/1919-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m08236b | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Blast Furnaces, Steel Works, and Rolling Mills 01/1923-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08237 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Building Materials 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08238a | U.S. Total Dividend Payments To Individuals 01/1919-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08238b | U.S. Total Dividend Payments To Individuals 01/1939-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m08238c | U.S. Total Dividend Payments To Individuals, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-07/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08239 | U.S. Net Dividend Payments By Industrial Corporations 01/1919-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08240a | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls , Durable Goods, National Bureau Of Economic Research, 1919-1922, Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08240b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Durable Goods, National Bureau Of Economic Research and Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1939-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m08241b | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Nondurable Goods, National Bureau Of Economic Research, 1919-1922, Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08242 | U.S. Index of Real Factory Payrolls, Total, NBER 01/1919-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08243 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Water, Light, and Power 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08244 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Water, Light, and Power, New York State 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08245 | U.S. Indexes of Average Weekly Earnings, Water, Light, and Power, New York State 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08246 | U.S. Index of Factory Payrolls, Laundering and Cleaning 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08247 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Laundering and Cleaning, New York State 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08248 | U.S. Index of Monthly Annual Earnings, Laundering and Cleaning, New York State 06/1914-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08249a | U.S. Index of Employment, Anthracite Mining 01/1921-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m08249b | U.S. Index of Employment, Anthracite Mining 01/1929-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08250a | U.S. Index of Payrolls, Anthracite Mining 01/1921-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m08250b | U.S. Index of Payrolls, Anthracite Mining, 01/1929-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08251a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Quit Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08251b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Quit Rate, Manufacturing O1/1930-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08252a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Layoff Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08252b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Layoff Rate, Manufacturing 01/1930-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08253a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Discharge Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08253b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Discharge Rate, Manufacturing 01/1930-12/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m08254a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Total Seperation Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08254b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Total Seperation Rate, Manufacturing 01/1930-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08255a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Gross Accession Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08255b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Gross Accession Rate, Manufacturing 01/1930-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08256a | U.S. Labor Turnover, Net Accession Rate, Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m08256b | U.S. Labor Turnover, Net Accession Rate, Manufacturing 01/1930-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08257 | U.S. Mandays Idle in Strikes and Lockouts 01/1927-03/1972 |
db | dat | doc | m08258 | U.S. Construction Wage Rates, Skilled Labor 01/1922-10/1950 |
db | dat | doc | m08259 | U.S. Construction Wage Rates, Common Labor 01/1922-10/1950 |
db | dat | doc | m08261 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, Manufacturing, Total 06/1914-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08262 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Manufacturing, Total, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-03/1971 |
db | dat | doc | m08263 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Production Workers, Manufacturing, Durable Goods, BLS 01/1932-02/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m08264 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Production Workers, Manufacturing, Nondurable Goods, BLS 01/1932-02/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m08265a | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours in Manufacturing, Total, Nicb 06/1920-12/1921,07/1922-07/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08265b | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours in Manufacturing, Total, Nicb, NBER-BLS, Seasonlly Adjusted 01/1932-10/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m08266a | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours, Manufacturing, Durable Goods, NBER, BLS 01/1932-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m08266b | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours, Manufacturing, Durable Goods, NBER, BLS 01/1939-03/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m08267a | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours, Manufacturing, Nondurable Goods, NBER, BLS 01/1932-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m08267b | U.S. Index of Production Worker Manhours, Manufacturing, Nondurable Goods, NBER, BLS 01/1939-03/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m08268a | U.S. Employees in Nonagricultural Establishments 01/1929-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08268b | U.S. Employees in Nonagricultural Establishments 01/1939-10/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08269a | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment 03/1940-12/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m08269b | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment 01/1948-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08270 | U.S. Index of Factory Employment, Manufacturing, Ohio 01/1923-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m08271 | U.S. Number of Salaried Workers Employed, Mfg., Ohio 01/1919-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m08272a | U.S. Index of Manufacturing Wage Rates 01/1919-04/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m08272b | U.S. Index of Manufacturing Wage Rates 07/1922-07/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m08273a | U.S Labor Income in Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, and Agriculture 01/1929-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08273b | U.S. Labor Income in Mining, Manufacturing, Construction and Agriculture, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-09/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08274a | U.S. Wage and Salary Disbursements, Distributive Industries, Services, And Government 01/1929-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08274b | U.S. Wage and Salary Disbursements, Distributive Industries, Services, And Government, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-09/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08275a | U.S. Proprietors' and Rental Income, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1929-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08275b | U.S. Proprietors' and Rental Income, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1945-06/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08277b | U.S. Rental Income of Persons, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-07/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08278a | U.S. Business and Professional Income, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-06/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08279a | U.S. Dividends and Personal Interest Income 01/1929-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08279b | U.S. Dividends and Personal Interest Income, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-09/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08283a | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Total Manufacturing 01/1919-12/1950 |
db | dat | doc | m08283b | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Total Manufactures 01/1947-12/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m08283c | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Total Manufactures 01/1957-09/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m08284a | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Durable Manufactures 01/1947-12/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m08284b | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Durable Manufactures 01/1957-12/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m08285a | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Nondurable Manufactures 01/1947-12/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m08285b | U.S. Production Worker Wage Cost Per Unit of Output, Nondurable Manufactures 01/1957-12/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m08286 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, Manufacturing, Durable Goods 01/1923-02/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08287 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, Manufacturing, Nondurable Goods 01/1923-02/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08288 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Manufacturing, Durable Goods, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-02/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08289 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Manufacturing, Nondurable Goods, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1932-02/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m08290 | U.S. Average Weekly Insured Unemployment, All Programs, Bes 07/1945-06/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08291 | U.S. Number of Persons On Temporary Layoff 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08292a | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Seasonally Adjusted 04/1929-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m08292b | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Seasonally Adjusted SECOND, 1940-FOURTH, 1946 01/1940, 03/1940-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m08292c | U.S. Unemployment Rate 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08293 | U.S. Index of Aggregate Weekly Manhours in Industry and Construction Activity 01/1947-08/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m08294a | U.S. Labor Income in Mining, Manufacturing, and Construction, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1929-12/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m08294b | U.S. Labor Income in Mining, Manufacturing, and Construction, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-06/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08297 | U.S. Initial Claims, Unemployment Insurance, State Programs 08/1945-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08298 | U.S. Average Weekly Insured Unemployment, States Programs, Bes, Forty-Eight States 07/1945-06/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08299 | U.S. Index of Wage and Salary Cost Per Unit Of Output, Manufacturing 01/1946-11/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m08301 | U.S. Number of Unemployed, Twenty Years and Older 04/1948-08/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08302 | U.S. Employment Service Activities, Total Nonagricultural Placements 01/1945-02/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08303 | U.S. Employment Service Activities, Manufacturing Placements 01/1945-06/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08304 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Nonagricultural Employment, Household Survey 06/1941-10/1969, 12/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08305a | U.S. Manhours in Nonfarm Industries, Persons With A Job 06/1941-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m08305b | U.S. Manhours in Nonfarm Industries, Persons With A Job 01/1947-08/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08306 | U.S. Manhours in Nonfarm Industries, Persons At Work 06/1941-08/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08307 | U.S. Manhours in Nonfarm Establishments, All Employees On Payrolls 06/1941-10/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08308 | U.S. Persons At Work in Nonagricultural Industries, Bureau of the Census and Bureau Of Labor Statistics 03/1940-10/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m08309 | U.S. Average Hourly Earnings, Building Construction 01/1934-08/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m08310 | U.S. Average Weekly Insured Unemployment Rate, State Programs, Excluding Puerto Rico, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1949-05/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08311 | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Married Males, Spouse Present, Seasonally Adjusted 11/1954-01/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08312 | U.S. Number of Employees in Company, Per Cent Reporting More Employees 05/1950-06/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m08313 | U.S. Nonagricultural Job Openings, Number Pending, End of Month, Bes 10/1946-08/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08318 | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Percent of Persons Unemployed Less Than Five Weeks, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-04/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08319 | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Per Cent of Persons Unemployed 5 To 14 Weeks, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-04/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08320 | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Per Cent of Persons Unemployed 15 Weeks and Over, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08322 | U.S. Labor Turnover, New Hires, Manufacturing 01/1951-05/1971 |
db | dat | doc | m08323 | U.S. Labor Turnover, Rehiring Rate, Manufacturing 01/1951-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08324 | U.S. Index of Total Labor Cost Per Unit Of Output, Manufacturing, Seasonally Adjusted. 01/1946-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08325a | U.S. Total Civilian Labor Force 03/1940-06/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08325b | U.S. Total Civilian Labor Force 01/1947-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08326 | U.S. Payrolls of State and Local Governments 04/1951-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m08327 | U.S. Nonproduction Worker Employment, Manufacturing, Total 01/1939-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08330 | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment, Commodity Producing Industries, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1939-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08331 | U.S. Nonagricultural Employment, Service Industries 01/1939-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08332 | U.S. Hourly Compensation, Manufacturing, All Employees 01/1946-01/1971 |
db | dat | doc | m08333 | U.S. Non-Production Worker Salaries, Manufacturing Industries 01/1929-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08334 | U.S. Rate of Change Per Year, Hourly Compensation, Manufacturing, All Employees 07/1946-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08335 | U.S. Help-Wanted Display Ads For Executive Positions in Newspapers, Total 01/1954-09/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08336 | U.S. Self-Employed Workers, Nonagricultural Industries, Bureau of the Census, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. FOURTH, 1945 07/1945-04/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08337 | U.S. Unpaid Family Workers, Nonagricultural Industries, Bureau of the Census, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 07/1945-04/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08338 | U.S. Farm Employment, Hired Workers, Agricultural Marketing Service and Crop Reporting Board (End of the Month) 01/1940-05/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08339 | U.S. Farm Employment, Unpaid Family Workers 01/1940-05/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08340 | U.S. Manhours of Nonfarm Employees, BLS, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m08342 | U.S. Ratio of Nonagricultural Job Openings Unfilled To Number Of Persons Unemployed 01/1947-08/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08343 | U.S. Real Average Hourly Earnings, Production Workers, Manufacturing, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1932-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08350 | U.S. Hourly Compensation, Nonagricultural Establishments, All Employees, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-11/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m08351 | U.S. Hourly Compensation, Nonagricultural Establishments, All Employees, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-08/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m08354 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Total, Household Survey 01/1947-01/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m08355 | U.S. Manhours of Employed Labor Force, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-11/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08356 | U.S. Potential Manhours Lost, Labor Force, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-11/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08357 | U.S. Potential Labor Force Manhours, Total, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-11/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m08359 | U.S. Rate of Change (Six Month Span At Annual Rate), Hourly Compensation, Manufacturing, All Employees (Centered), 04/1948-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m08360 | U.S. Rate of Change (6 Month Span At Annual Rate), Index Of Total Labor Cost Per Unit Of Output, Manufacturing (Centered), 04/1948-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | q08004a | Great Britain Trade Union Members Unemployed, Building Trades FIRST, 1922-FOURTH, 1926 01/1888-12/1921 |
db | dat | doc | q08007 | U.S. Employment Trade Union Members (End of the Month Data) FIRST, 1908- FOURTH, 1922 |
db | dat | doc | q08008 | U.S. FIRST, 1908 - FOURTH, 1923 |
db | dat | doc | q08009 | U.S. Employment Trade Union Members, Building Trades (End of the Quarter) FIRST, 1908- FOURTH, 1923 |
db | dat | doc | q08020 | U.S. Unemployment of Trade Union Members, Total SECOND, 1903 - SECOND, 1906 06/1906-01/1933, 08/1933-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | q08021 | Germany Employment, Metal Trades THIRD, 1903 - FOURTH, 1908 01/1907-12/1932 |
db | dat | doc | q08035 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, Skilled and Semi-Skilled Shop Workers. THIRD, 1924 - FOURTH, 1933 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | q08037 | U.S. Average Hours of Work Per Week, Class I Railroad Employees, Unskilled Labor FIRST, 1924 - FOURTH, 1932 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | q08043 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, Skilled and Semi-Skilled Shop Employees of First Class Railroads FIRST AND SECOND, 1921; THIRD, 1924 - FOURTH, 1934 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | q08045 | U.S. Average Weekly Earnings, First Class Railroad Employees, Unskilled Labor FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1922; FIRST, 1924 - FOURTH, 1932 07/1921-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | q08065 | U.S. Index of Unskilled Labor Wages in Second District THIRD, 1914 - THIRD, 1931 |
db | dat | doc | q08147a | Germany --Dortmund Mining District Average Earnings Per Shift, Anthracite Coal Miners FIRST, 1889 - FOURTH, 1920 |
db | dat | doc | q08147b | Germany --Dortmund Mining District Average Earnings Per Shift, Anthracite Coal Miners FIRST, 1920 - FOURTH, 1932 |
db | dat | doc | q08168a | U.S. Personal Income, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1941 |
db | dat | doc | q08260a | U.S. Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1941 |
db | dat | doc | q08260b | U.S. Gross National Product FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1946 |
db | dat | doc | q08260c | U.S. Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946 -FIRST, 1969 |
db | dat | doc | q08276a | U.S. Farm Income FIRST, 1939-FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08276b | U.S. Farm Income, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946-SECOND, 1968 |
db | dat | doc | q08277a | U.S. Rental Income of Persons FIRST, 1939-FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08278a | U.S. Business and Professional Income FIRST, 1939-FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08280a | U.S. Gross National Product, Income Estimates FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08280b | U.S. Gross National Product, Income Estimate, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946 - THIRD, 1966 |
db | dat | doc | q08281a | U.S. National Income FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08281b | U.S. National Income, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946 - FOURTH, 1968 |
db | dat | doc | q08282a | U.S. Disposable Personal Income, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921-FIRST,1939 |
db | dat | doc | q08282b | U.S. Disposable Personal Income FIRST, 1939-FOURTH, 1945 |
db | dat | doc | q08282c | U.S. Disposable Personal Income, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946-FOURTH, 1968 |
db | dat | doc | q08292b | U.S. Unemployment Rate, Seasonally Adjusted SECOND, 1940-FOURTH, 1946 01/1940, 03/1940-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | q08295a | U.S. Total Final Sales Or Purchases, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q08295b | U.S. Total Final Sales Or Purchases FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1946 |
db | dat | doc | q08295c | U.S. Total Final Sales Or Purchases, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946 - SECOND, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q08296a | U.S. Gross National Product in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921 - FOURTH, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q08296b | U.S. Gross National Product in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - FOURTH, 1965 |
db | dat | doc | q08300 | U.S. Labor Cost Per Dollar of Real Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - THIRD, 1966 |
db | dat | doc | q08317 | U.S. Total Final Sales Or Purchases in 1958 Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - THIRD, 1966 |
db | dat | doc | q08321 | U.S. Gross National Product,Income Estimate in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - THIRD, 1966 |
db | dat | doc | q08328 | U.S. Index of Labor Cost Per Dollar Of Real Corporate Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1948 - FOURTH, 1966 |
db | dat | doc | q08341 | U.S. Labor Cost Per Unit of Gross Product, Nonfinancial Corporations, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1948 - THIRD, 1969 |
db | dat | doc | q08348 | U.S. Total Labor Compensation Per Work Hour, Private Economy, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - THIRD, 1969 |
db | dat | doc | q08349 | U.S. Total Real Labor Compensation Per Manhour, Private Economy, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947 - FOURTH, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q08358 | U.S. Compensation of Employees, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1946 - THIRD, 1968 |
db | dat | doc | q08362a | U.S. Rate of Change in Current Prices, Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted SECOND, 1921 - FOURTH, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q08362b | U.S. Rate of Change in Current Prices, Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted SECOND, 1939 - SECOND, 1946 |
db | dat | doc | q08362c | U.S. Rate of Change in Current Prices, Gross National Product, Seasonally Adjusted SECOND, 1946 - THIRD, 1968 |
db | dat | doc | q08363 | U.S. Rate of Change, Total Labor Compensation Per Manhour, Private Economy, Total, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1948 - THIRD, 1967 |
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