Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis
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Data & Supporting:
Updated Data 1958-2018 - SIC and NAICS versions
You are free to use the data for any purpose, free of charge, as long as you provide attribution and citation. You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a copy of the data to meet journal requirements, as long as these conditions are made explicit as part of the package (for instance, by copying these terms into a LICENSE.txt file). Contact us for permission for any other redistribution; we will consider requests for free and commercial redistribution.
Becker, Randy A., Wayne B. Gray and Jordan Marvakov. (2021). “NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database (1958-2018, version 2021a).” National Bureau of Economic Research., accessed <date>.
NBER-CES Manufacturing Industry Database (1958-2018)
2012 NAICS version: Stata SAS Excel CSV
1997 NAICS version: Stata SAS Excel CSV
1987 SIC version: Stata SAS Excel CSV
Variable description and summary statistics: nberces_5818_summary_stats
Updated documentation: nberces_5818_technical_notes
Previous documentation (1958-2011 version): nberces_5818_technical_notes
Original documentation (1958-1991 dataset): NBER Technical Working Paper 205
1997 NAICS - 2012 NAICS: Stata SAS Excel CSV Documentation
1987 SIC - 1997 NAICS: Stata SAS Excel CSV Documentation
1972 SIC - 1987 SIC: Stata SAS Excel CSV Documentation
Industry Listings
2012 NAICS Industry Names: Excel Text Documentation
1997 NAICS Industry Names: Excel Text
1987 SIC Industry Names: Excel Text Documentation
1972 SIC Industry Names: Excel Text
Contact information
Please forward all inquiries to: Wayne Gray, Clark University and NBER, or Randy Becker, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau,