Medicare Part B Drug Average Sales Price is the source of one.
CMS' Medicare Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) is the source of the other. The PDAC contractor adds and updates the NDC-HCPCS that are billable to the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) or DMEMACs.
Both crosswalks seem to offer unique NDC HCPCS pairs. It looks like the PDAC crosswalk has data going back longer. The PDAC crosswalk offers modifier codes for NDC and HCPCS codes.
The combination of the Part B and PDAC DME crosswalks and links to the Part B and PDAC DME crosswalks are below.
The most appropriate crosswalk to use might depend upon the purpose. It might make sense to use the DME file for DME data and the Part B file for other Part B data.
Stata |
Desc |
Part B |
Part B | DME |
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