Mortgage Loan Experience Cards
Loans made by Commercial Banks: (Rolls 1, 1A, 2, 3 - 8599 cards)
Loans made by Life Insurance Companies: (Rolls 4, 5, 6 - 8930 cards)
Loans made by Savings and Loans: (Rolls 7, 8, 9 - 6176 cards )
HOLC (Home Owners' Loan Corporation: (Roll 10 - 3174 cards) Jonathan Rose coded HOLC data:
README holc_codebook.xls holc_description.txt holc_sample.dta
Documentation, including corrections and explanations
NBER Books in the Financial Research Program - based on Mortgage Loan Experience Cards
Urban Mortgage Lending by Life Insurance Companies, Saulnier, Raymond J. Published in 1950
Urban Real Estate Markets: Characteristics and Financing, Fisher, Ernest M. UMI, 1951
History and Policies of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Harriss, C. Lowell. UMI, 1951
Commercial Bank Activities in Urban Mortgage Financing, Carl F. Behrens. UMI, 1952
The Role of Federal Credit Aids in Residential Construction, Grebler, Leo. NBER, 1953
Urban Mortgage Lending: Comparative Markets and Experience, Morton, J. E.. UMI, 1956