Data from Braguinsky, Serguey, Atsushi Ohyama, Tetsuji Okazaki, and Chad Syverson, 2020. "Product Innovation, Product Diversification and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan?s Early Industrialization." NBER Working Paper No. 26665,
Supported by The NSF grant award #1632833
Panel Data on Machine Capacity of Japanese Cotton Spinning Firms, Matched with Technical Characteristics of Machines from Orders Placed with British Textile Machine Manufacturers 1887-1914 January 20, 2020
These data files provide digital versions of the orders placed by Japanese cotton spinning firms with British textile machine manufacturers from 1887-1914. Photocopies were taken of orders in order books held in the Platt Saco Lowell Collection held in Lancashire Archives in Preston, U.K. with permission from the archives and no restrictions on dissemination. The data files also include Excel and a Stata data files where these photocopied data are brought together, including important machine technical characteristics; a Stata data file with panel data on firm-level total capacity for the universe of Japanese cotton spinning firms for the same period from Japanese archival sources; a Stata code file to match the Excel file with technical characteristics of machines ordered from Bri!tish textile machine manufacturers to firm-level total capacity data from Japanese archival sources; and the combined file that contains the breakdown of matched machines by types of cotton yarn they were designed to produce.
The photocopies of the orders were made by Professor Serguey Braguinsky in Preston, U.K. in August 2017, with the permission from Lancashire Archives and financial support from the NSF Grant, Award #1632833. They were digitalized by Professor Serguey Braguinsky with the help from Osaka University doctoral student Kohei Yamagata, supported by the same NSF grant above. The machine capacity data to be matched with the orders data were digitalized by Professors Serguey Braguinsky and Chad Syverson with the help of several RAs, supported by the same NSF grant. The matching of the two data sources (including writing the stata code file) was conducted by Professor Braguinsky.
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Contents and Directory Structure
Original photocopies from Lancashire archives
Original photocopies from Lancashire archives contains original photocopies of machine orders placed by Japanese cotton spinning firms with British textile machine manufacturers from 1887-1914.
List of orders with the basic information digitalized from the photocopied orders in the Excel format. This file is called by file.
orders_all.dta orders_all.dta
List of orders with the semiannual timing to be matched to the orders file above, on the one hand, and the Japanese archival data on total machine capacity, on the other hand, in Stata format. This file is called by
firm_capacity_final.dta firm_capacity_final.dta
Panel data on firm-level total capacity for the universe of Japanese cotton spinning firms for the same period in the Stata format. This file is called by>
Stata code to match orders.all.dta and firm_capacity_final.dta files above.
can be obtained using the code above, is the final product giving the breakdown of all machines in the panel data on the universe of Japanese firms between 1887-1914 by the types of cotton yarn they were designed to produce in the Stata format.
Serguey Braguinsky
Associate Professor
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland
4558 Van Munching Hall
College Park, MD 20742
tel.: (405) 301-9712