A housing unit in the CPS is interviewed for four consecutive months and then dropped out of the sample for the next eight months and is brought back in the following four months. So, when the system has been in operation for a full year, 4 of the 8 rotation groups will have been in the survey for the same month, 1 year ago. Matching information and Stata .do files from NBER Working Paper t0247 by B. Madrian and L. J. Lefgren are available for March-to-March matches and can be modified for use in other matches. Technical Paper 63 contains more information about Design and Methodology.
The following discussion assumes familiarity with the use of CPS tapes in other environments and deals only with the NBER specific information. Acquaintance with a serious statistical package or programming language to make use of these files.
SAS, SPSS, and Stata data definition file statements are available for some files.
All of the data files use MS-DOS line ending conventions. That is, instead of just a line feed after each line (the Unix convention) there is a carriage return and a line feed (the DOS convention). This should not disturb any Unix programs and makes the files more accessible to DOS software. It does change the record length for any program using fixed-length records. Select here for more information, including a table listing the record length and the name of any supplements that may be included with the files.
Current Population Survey Replicate Weights
All files use the naming convention:
cpsMMMYY.typ (MMM = month, YY = year)
NBER internal users can access the data on a UNIX system at /homes/data/cps or on an NBER PC via Network Neighborhood --> NBER --> home --> data --> cps
Index of Supplements and Their Data Files:
- Annual Demographic File (March)
- Employee Benefit (Feb 90; May 83, 88; Apr 93)
- Fertility and Immigration (June)
- Health and Benefits (Sep 94)
- Job Training (Jan 91-92)
- Work Schedules (May 91, 97, 01, 04, 05)
- Pensions (May 79)
- Schooling and Computers, and School Enrollment (Oct 76-18)
- Tobacco Use (Aug 06 10; Sep 92, 95, 98; Jan 93, 96, 99, 00, 07, 11, 15 ; May 93, 96, 99, 00, 06, 10, 11, 15; Jun 01 03; Jul 14; Feb 02 03, Nov 01 03)
- Occupational Mobility and Job Tenure
- Veteran's (Aug 95, 01, 03, 05, 09, 11-15 ; Sep 97, 99)
- Voting and Registration (Nov 96-on, even years)
- Computer and Internet Use (Dec 98; Aug 00; Jul 11, 13, 15; Sep 01; Nov 94)
- Volunteer Workers (Apr 74, Sep 02-)
- Food Security (Dec 01- ; Apr 95, 97, 99, 01; Sep 96, 00; Aug 98)
- March/April Match: Child Support (Apr 92-on, even years)
- Lead Paint (Dec 94) Telephone
- Health Insurance
- Poverty Measure
Matched Files
Other CPS data
More CPS data is available at our data page: