Matching information and Stata .do files from NBER Working Paper t0247 by B. Madrian and L. J. Lefgren are available for March-to-March matches and can be modified for use in other matches. Technical Paper 63 contains more information about Design and Methodology.
The data files are available as Stata *.dta files, uncompressed, UNIX-compressed, or pkzipped. Conversion software such as Stat/Transfer can be used to convert the Stata files to other formats. Stata users can use 'copy "/data/cps_may.html/cpsmay69.dta" cpsmay69.dta' to copy the files to their current directory.
Internal users can obtain the data from a UNIX shell at /homes/data/cps-may or on an NBER PC via Network Neighborhood --> NBER --> home --> data --> cps-may
CPS May Extract Documentation
The CPS May Extract Documentation is cpsmay.txt. The documentation for the data that the extract was created from is available below.
Variable Labels for x1-x200
State Crosswalk
Thanks to Mireille Jacobson for providing a crosswalk for the different state codes.
statid.txt has a correspondence between the x7 from 1977 on and x9. It is an empirical tab taken from the 1977 data (which has both state id variables).