The Union Army and Early Indicators project team has compiled a partial list of publications which used Union Army datasets, organized by dataset.
Partial Publications List
Union Army Samples
Historical Urban Ecological
Intergenerational Linked Aging Sample
Union Army:
Publications - Books
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. (2008). Heroes and Cowards: The Social Face of War. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Costa, D. L. (1998). The Evolution of Retirement: An American Economic History 1880-1990. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Floud, R., Fogel, R. W., Harris, B., & Hong, S. C. (2014). Health, Mortality, and the Standard of Living in Europe and North America since 1700. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Floud, R., Fogel, R. W., Harris, B., & Hong, S. C. (2011). The Changing Bodies: Nutrition, Health, and Human Development in the Western World since 1700. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Fogel, R. W. (2012). Explaining Long-Term Trends in Health and Longevity. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Fogel, R. W. (2004). The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the Third World. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Logue, L., & Blanck, P. (2010). Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: Veterans and Benefits in Post-Civil War America. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Publications - Edited Books
Costa, D. L. (Ed.). (2003). Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Publications - Papers
Barcinski, A. (2000). Reliability and consistency of surgeon's examinations. Center for Population Economics Working Paper.
Birchenall, J. A. (2011). Airborne diseases: Tuberculosis in the Union Army. Explorations in Economic History, 48(2), 325-342.
Blanck, P. (2008). "The right to live in the world”: Disability yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights, 13(2), 367-401.
Blanck, P., Bauman, N. M., Sewell, R. K., Smith, R. J., & Song, C. (2004). Hearing loss in Union Army veterans from 1862 to 1920. Laryngoscope, 114(12), 2147.
Blanck, P., & Logue, L. M. (2004). There is nothing that promotes longevity like a pension: Disability policy and mortality of Civil War Union Army veterans. Wake Forest Law Review, 39(1), 49-68.
Blanck, P., & Song, C. (2003). “Never forget what they did here”: Civil War pensions for Gettysburg Union Army veterans and disability in nineteenth-century America. William & Mary Law Review, 44(3), 1109.
Blanck, P., Linares, C., & Song, C. (2002). Evolution of disability in late 19th century America: Civil War pensions for Union Army veterans with musculoskeletal conditions. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 20(6), 681-697.
Carson, S. A. (2011). Was the 19th century stature-isolation relationship similar across independent samples? Evidence from soldiers and prisoners. Journal of Socio-Economics, 40(2), 199-207.
Cain, L., & Hong, S. C. (2009). Survival in 19th century cities: The larger the city, the smaller your chances. Explorations in Economic History, 46(4), 450-463. PMCID: PMC2743429.
Costa, D.L. (2015, Forthcoming September). Health and the economy in the United States, from 1750 to the present. Journal of Economic Literature.
Costa, D. L. (2013). Leaders: Privilege, sacrifice, opportunity and personnel economics in the American Civil War. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 30(3), 437-462. PMCID: PMC4160318.
Costa, D. L. (2012, November). Scarring and mortality selection among Civil War POWs: A long-term mortality, morbidity and socioeconomic follow-up. Demography, 49(4), 1185-206. PMCID: PMC3496009.
Costa, D. L. (2010, September). Pensions and retirement among black Union Army veterans. Journal of Economic History, 70(3), 567–592. PMCID: PMC3004158.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2010, February). Health, wartime stress, and unit cohesion: Evidence from Union Army veterans. Demography, 47(1), 45-66. PMCID: PMC3000013.
Costa, D. L., Helmchen, L., & Wilson, S. (2007). Race, infectious disease, and arteriosclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, 13219-13224. PMCID: PMC1948925.
Costa, D. L., (2007). The economics and demography of aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(33), 13217-13218. PMCID: PMC1948919.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2007). Surviving Andersonville: The benefits of social networks in POW camps. American Economic Review, 97(4), 1467-1487.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2007). Deserters, social norms, and migration. Journal of Law and Economics, 50, 323-353.
Costa, D. L., & Lahey, J. (2005). Becoming oldest-old: Evidence from historical US data. Genus, 61(1), 21-38.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2003, May). Cowards and heroes: Group loyalty in the American Civil War. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(2), 519-548.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2003, March). Civic engagement and community heterogeneity: An economist’s perspective. Perspectives on Politics, 1(1), 103-111
Costa, D. L. (2003, January). Understanding mid-life and older age mortality declines: Evidence from Union Army veterans. Journal of Econometrics, 112(1), 175-92.
Costa, D. L. (2002, February). Changing chronic disease rates and long-term declines in functional limitation among older men. Demography, 39(1), 119-138.
Costa, D. L. (2000, February). Understanding the twentieth century decline in chronic conditions among older men. Demography, 37(1), 53-72.
Costa, D. L. (1997, December). Displacing the family: Union Army pensions and elderly living arrangements. Journal of Political Economy, 105(6), 1269-1292.
Costa, D. L., & Fogel, R. W. (1997, February). A theory of technophysio evolution, with some implications for forecasting population, health care costs, and pension costs. Demography, 34(1), 49-66.
Costa, D. L. (1996, March). Health and labor force participation of older men, 1900-1991. Journal of Economic History, 56(1), 62-89.
Costa, D. L. (1995, May). Pensions and retirement: Evidence from Union Army veterans. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(2), 297-320.
Costa, D. L. (1995, October). Agricultural decline and the secular trend in retirement rates. Explorations in Economic history, 32(4), 540-552.
Costa, D. L. (1993, October). Height, weight, wartime stress, and older age mortality: Evidence from the Union Army records. Explorations in Economic History, 30, 424-449.
Costa, D. L. (1993). Height, wealth, and disease among the native born in the rural, antebellum North. Social Science History, 17(3), 355-384.
De Paula, A. (2009). Inference in a synchronization game with social interactions. Journal of Econometrics, 148(1), 56-71. PMCID: PMC2799333.
Eli, S., & Logan, T. (Forthcoming). Income and health in African America: Evidence from Union Army pensions. Working Paper.
Eli, S. (2015). Income effects on health: Evidence from Union Army pensions. Journal of Economic History, 75(2), 448-478.
Fogel, R. W., Cain, L., Burton, J., & Bettenhausen, B. (2013, July). Was what ail’d ya’ what kill’d ya’? Economics and Human Biology, 11(3), 269-280. PMCID: PMC3639294.
Fogel, R. W., & Grotte, N. (2011). Major findings from “The Changing Body: Health, Nutrition, and Human Development in the Western World since 1700.” Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 8(2), 1-9. NIHMSID: 416788.
Fogel, R. W. (2009). Forecasting the cost of U.S. health care in 2040. Journal of Policy Modeling, 31, 482-488.
Fogel, R. W. (2005). Changes in the disparities in chronic diseases during the course of the 20th century. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 48(1), 150-165.
Fogel, R. W. (2004). Health, nutrition, and economic growth. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52(3), 643-658.
Fogel, R. W. (2004). Technophysio evolution and the measurement of economic growth. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14(2), 217-221.
Fogel, R. W. (2003). Secular trends in physiological capital: Implications for equity in health care. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 46(3), S24-S38.
Fogel, R. W. (1999). Catching up with the economy (presidential lecture). American Economic Review, 89, 1-21.
Fogel, R. W. (1996). New findings about trends in life expectation and chronic diseases: The implications for health costs and pensions. GSB Selected Paper series, University of Chicago, No. 76.
Fogel, R. W. (1994). Economic growth, population theory, and physiology: The bearing of long-term processes on the making of economic policy. The American Economic Review, 84(3). 369-395.
Fogel, R. W. (1993). New sources and new techniques for the study of secular trends in nutritional status, health, mortality, and the process of aging. Historical Methods, 26, 5-43.
Humphreys, M., Costanzo, P., Haynie, K. L., Østbye, T., Boly, I., Belsky, D., & Sloan, F. (2007). Racial disparities in diabetes a century ago: Evidence from the pension files of US Civil War veterans. Social Science & Medicine, 64(8). 1766-1775.
Hacker, J. D. (2011). A census-based count of the Civil War dead. Civil War History, 57(4), 307-348.
Hacker, J. D. (2008). Economic, demographic, and anthropometric correlates of first marriage in the mid-nineteenth-century United States. Social Science History, 32(3), 307-345.
Haines, M. R., Craig, L. A., & Weiss, T. (2011). Did African Americans experience the ‘Antebellum Puzzle’? Evidence from the United States Colored Troops during the Civil War. Explorations in Economic History, 9(1), 45-55.
Harris, B., Floud, R., Fogel, R. W., & Hong, S. C. (2010, April 28). Diet, health, and work intensity in England and Wales, 1700-1914. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 15875.
Helmchen, L., & Henderson, R. (2004). Changes in the distribution of body mass index of white US men, 1890-2000. Annals of Human Biology, 31, 174-81.
Henderson, R. M. (2005). The bigger the healthier: Are the limits of BMI risk changing over time? Economics and Human Biology, (3)339-366.
Hong, S. C. (2013). Malaria: An early indicator of later disease and work level. Journal of Health Economics, 32(3), 612-632. PMCID: PMC4005991.
Hong, S. C. (2011). Malaria and economic productivity: A longitudinal analysis of the American case. Journal of Economic History, 71(3), 654-671.
Hong, S. C. (2010). Marriage and men’s wealth accumulation in the United States, 1860-1870. Korean Economic Review, 26(1), 27-58. NIHMSID: 416863. PMCID: 24058226.
Hong, S. C. (2007). The burden of early exposure to malaria in the United States, 1850-1860: Malnutrition and immune disorders. Journal of Economic History, 67(4), 1001-1035. PMCID: PMC2600412.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2004). Pensions and children of Civil War veterans. Center for Population Economics Working Paper #2004-1.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2000). Distribution of Union Army recruits. Center for Population Economics Working Paper #2004-04.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2000). What predicts linkage to Surgeon's Certificates for veterans who entered the pension system?. Center for Population Economics Working Paper #2004-04.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2000). What predicts linkage to the 1900 and 1910 Censuses, given that a recruit entered the pension system?. Center for Population Economics Working Paper #2004-04.
Lauderdale, D. S., & Rathouz, P. J. (1999). Evidence of environmental suppression of familial resemblance: Height among US Civil War brothers. Annals Of Human Biology, 26(5), 413-426.
Lee, C. (2012). Military service and economic mobility: Evidence from the American Civil War. Explorations in Economic History, 49, 367-379. PMCID: PMC3530890.
Lee, C. (2009). Technological changes and labor-market status of older manufacturing workers in early-twentieth-century America. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 14746.
Lee, C. (2009, Winter). Socioeconomic differences in wartime mortality and morbidity of black Union Army soldiers. Social Science History, 33, 427-457. PMCID: PMC3427919.
Lee, C. (2008). Health, information, and migration: Geographic mobility of Union Army veterans, 1860-1880. Journal of Economic History, 68(3), 862-899. PMCID: PMC12838394.
Lee, C. (2007). Military positions and post-service occupational mobility of Union Army veterans, 1861-1880. Explorations in Economic History, 44(4), 680-698. PMCID: PMC2838376.
Lee, C. (2005). Labor market status of older males in the United States, 1880-1940. Social Science History, 29(1), 77-105.
Lee, C. (2005). Wealth accumulation and the health of Union Army veterans, 1860–1870. The Journal of Economic History, 65(2), 352-385.
Lee, C. (2002). Sectoral shift and the labor-force participation of older males in the United States, 1880-1940. Journal of Economic History, 62(2), 512-523.
Lee, C. (2001). The expected length of male retirement in the United States, 1850–1990. Journal of Population Economics, 14(4), 641-651.
Lee, C. (2001). Life-cycle saving in the United States, 1900–90. Review of Income & Wealth, 47(2), 165-179.
Lee, C. (1999). Farm value and retirement of farm owners in early-twentieth-century America. Explorations in Economic History, 36(4), 387-408.
Lee, C. (1997). Socioeconomic background, disease, and mortality among Union Army recruits: Implications for economic and demographic history. Explorations in Economic History, 34(1), 27-36.
Linares, C., & Su, D. (2005). Body mass index and health among Union Army veterans: 1891–1905. Economics and Human Biology, 3(3), 367-387.
Linares, C. (2001). The Civil War pension law. Center for Population Economics Working Paper 2001-6.
Logan, T. (2009). Health, human capital and African American migration before 1910. Explorations in Economic History, 46(2), 169-185. PMCID: PMC2739596.
Logue, L., & Blanck, P. (2008, Winter). “Benefit of the doubt”: African-American Civil War veterans and pensions. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xxxviii(3), 377–399.
Noymer, A. (2009). Testing the influenza-tuberculosis selective mortality hypothesis with Union Army data. Social Science Medicine, 68(9), 1599-1608. PMCID: PMC2677170.
Pizarro, J., Silver, R. C., & Prause, J. (2006). Physical and mental health costs of traumatic war experiences among Civil War veterans. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63(2), 193-200.
Pope, C. L., & Wimmer, L. T. (1998). Aging in the early 20th century. The American Economic Review, (2). 217-221.
Salm, M. (2011). The effect of pensions on longevity: Evidence from Union Army veterans. Economic Journal, 121(552), 595–619. NIHMSID: 416755.
Shetzer, A. (2013). Immigration and cities in the twentieth century. Journal of Economic History, 73(2), 552-555.
Sloan, F. A., Ayyagari, P., Salm, M., & Grossman, D. (2010). The longevity gap between black and white men in the United States at the beginning and end of the 20th century. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 357-363. PMCID: PMC2804648.
Sloan, F. A., Belsky, D. W., & Boly, I. A. (2008). Prevalence of major eye diseases among US Civil War veterans, 1890-1910. Archives of Ophthalmology, 126(2), 24-250. PMCID: PMC3576890.
Sohn, K. (2014). The human capital of black soldiers during the American Civil War. Economics Letters, 122(1), 40-43.
Su, D. (2009). Occupational career and risk of mortality among US Civil War veterans. Social Science Medicine, 69(3), 460-468. PMCID: PMC2852134.
Su, D. (2009). Risk exposure in early life and mortality at older ages: Evidence from Union Army veterans. Population and Development Review, 35(2), 275-295. PMCID: PMC2832117.
Su, D. (2005). Body mass index and old-age survival: A comparative study between the Union Army records and the NHANES-I epidemiological follow-up sample. American Journal of Human Biology, 17(3), 341-354.
Wilson, S. E. (2010). Prejudice & policy: Racial discrimination in the Union Army disability pension system, 1865-1906. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S56-S65.
Wilson, S. E., Burton, J., & Howell, B. (2005). Work and the disability transition in 20th century America. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 11036.
Wilson, S. E., & Nguyen, L. L. (1998). Secular trends in the determinants of disability compensation. American Economic Review, 88(2), 227-231.
Zehetmayer, M. (2011). The continuation of the antebellum puzzle: Stature in the US, 1847-1894. European Review of Economic History, 15(2), 313-327.
Publications - In Edited Volumes
Blanck, P. (2011). Disability and aging: Historical and contemporary views, In Wiener, R. L., & Willborn, S. L. (Eds.), Disability & Aging Discrimination: Perspectives in Law and Psychology, New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media.
Bleakley, H., Cain, L., & Ferrie, J. (2015). Amidst poverty and prejudice: Black and Irish Civil War veterans, In Greif, A., Keisling, L., & Nye, J. V. C. (Eds.), Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Bleakley, H., Costa, D. L., & Lleras-Muney, A. (2014). Health, education and income in the United States, 1820-2000, In Boustan, L., Frydman, C., & Margo, R. A. (Eds.), Human Capital in History: The American Record. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Canavese, P., & Fogel, R. W. (2009). Arthritis: Changes in its prevalence during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In Cutler, D., & Wise, D. (Eds.), Health in Older Age: The Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability Among the Elderly. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press for NBER.
Costa, D. L. (2009). Why were older men in the past in such poor health? In Cutler, D., & Wise, D. (Eds.), Health in Older Age: The Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability Among the Elderly. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press for NBER.
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2006). Public health and mortality: What can we learn from the past? In Auerbach, A. J., Card, D., & Quigley, J. M. (Eds.), Public Policy and the Income Distribution. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
Costa, D. L., & Steckel, R. H. (1997). Long-term trends in health, welfare, and economics growth in the United States. In Floud, R., & Steckel, R. H. (Eds.), Health and Welfare During Industrialization. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press for NBER.
Cuff, T. (1998). Variation and trends in the stature of Pennsylvanians, 1820-1860. In Komlos, J. & Baten, J. (Eds.), The Biological Standard of Living in Comparative Perspective. Ipswich, MA: Stuttgart.
Fogel, R. W. (2003). Changes in the process of aging during the twentieth century: Findings and procedures of the Early Indicators project. In Waite, L. J. (Ed.), Aging, Health, and Public Policy, Population and Development Review, 30(suppl.), 19-47.
Fogel, R. W. (1997). New findings on secular trends in nutrition and mortality: Some implications for population theory. In Rosenzweig, M. R., & Stark, O. (Eds.), Handbook of Population and Family Economics Volume 1A. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
Fogel, R. W. (1995). The contribution of improved nutrition to the decline in mortality rates in Europe and America. In Simon, J. L. (Ed.), The State of Humanity. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Fogel, R. W. (1994). The relevance of Malthus for the study of morality today: Long-run influences on health, mortality, labor force participation, and population growth. In Lindahl-Kiessling, K., & Landberg, H. (Eds.), Population and Economic Development and the Environment. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Fogel, R. W. (1992). Second thoughts on the European escape from hunger: Famines, chronic malnutrition, and mortality rates. In Osmani, S. R. (Ed.), Nutrition and Poverty. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2003). Pensions and labor force participation of Civil War veterans. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Lee, C. (2003). Prior exposure to disease and later health and mortality: Evidence from Civil War medical records. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Sanchez, M. (2003). Internal migration, return migration, and mortality: Evidence from panel data on Union Army veterans. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Smith, D. S. (2003). Seasoning, disease environment, and conditions of exposure: New York Union Army regiments and soldiers. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Song, C., & Nguyen, L. L. (2003). The effect of hernias on the labor force participation of Union Army veterans. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Troesken, W., & Beeson, P. E. (2003). The significance of lead water mains in American cities: Some historical evidence. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Wilson, S. E. (2006). Family-centered health policy analysis. In Crane, D. R., & Marshall, E. S. (Eds.), Handbook of Families and Health: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Wilson, S. E. (2003). The prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in the industrial era: The United States, 1895-1910. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Wilson, S. E., & Pope, C. L. (2003). The height of Union Army recruits: Family and community influences. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Wimmer, L. T. (2003). Reflections on the Early Indicators project: A partial history. In Costa, D. L. (Ed.), Health and Labor Force Participation Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Publications - Proceedings
Costa, D. L., & Lahey, J. (2005, April-May). Predicting older age mortality trends. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(2-3).
Costa, D. L. (1998, May). The evolution of retirement: Summary of a research project. American Economic Review, 88(2), 232-236.
Fogel, R. W. (1998). Have the extent and impact of chronic malnutrition been underestimated? A theory of technophysio evolution and its implications for nutritional standards. In Munlak, Y. (Ed.), Contemporary Economic Issues: Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tunis, Volume 2: Labour, Food, and Poverty. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan in association with the International Economic Association.
Pope, C. (2009). Measuring the distribution of material well-being: U.S. trends. Journal Of Monetary Economics, 56(Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy: The Causes and Consequences of Rising Economic Inequality April 25-26, 2008), 66-78.
Birchenall, J. A. (2004). Escaping High Mortality (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Canavese, P. N. (2005). Factors Determining Health Status: An Analysis of Diarrhea in the Union Army, 1861-1920 (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Costa, D. L. (1993). Health, Income, and Retirement: Evidence from Nineteenth Century America (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
De Paula, A. (2006). Theoretical and Empirical Investigations on Social Interactions (Doctoral Dissertation). Princeton University.
Eli, S. (2011). Essays on Income and Health (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Berkeley.
Garrett, A. M. (2001). Health Improvements and the National Income and Product Accounts: 1880 to 1940 (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Hacker, J. D. (1999). The Human Cost of War: White Population in the United States, 1850-1880 (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Minnesota.
Henderson, R. M. (2005). Essays on the Evolution of Health Capital (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Hong, S. C. (2007). The Health and Economic Burdens of Malaria: The American Case (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Kanjanapipatkul, T. (2002). Seasonal Fluctuations in Food Price, Foreign Trade, and their Interaction with Technophysio Evolution (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Kim, J. (1996). Economic and Biomedical Implications of Waaler Surfaces: A New Perspective on Height, Weight, Morbidity, and Mortality (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Laschever, R. A. (2007). Social Interactions and Labor Market Outcomes of War Veterans (Doctoral Dissertation). Northwestern University.
Lee, C. (1996). Essays on Wealth and Retirement in the U. S., 1850-1990 (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Noymer, A. J. (2006). Studies in the Historical Demography and Epidemiology of Influenza and Tuberculosis Selective Mortality (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Berkley.
Salisbury, L. (2013). Women’s Income and Marriage Markets in the United States: Evidence from the Civil War Pension (Doctoral Dissertation). Boston University.
Sanchez, M. A. (2000). Internal Mobility of Post-Bellum Americans: Using a Panel Data of Civil War Recruits (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Su, D. (2006). Old-Age Survival in a Life Course Perspective: Union Army Veterans 1805-1946 (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Treme, J. (2006). Stature, Nutrition, Health, and Economic Growth (Doctoral Dissertation). North Carolina State University.
Wilson, S. E. (1997). Essays on the Economics of Chronic Disease (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Historical Urban Ecological (HUE):
Publications - Papers
Logan, J. R., Zhang, W., Turner, R., & Shertzer, A. (2015). Creating the black ghetto: Black residential patterns before and during the Great Migration. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 660(1), 18-35.
Logan, J. R., Shertzer, A., & Walsh, R. P. (Forthcoming). Segregation and neighborhood change in Northern cities: New historical GIS data from 1900 to 1930. Historical Methods.
Shertzer, A. (Forthcoming). Immigrant group size and political mobilization: Evidence from European migration to the United States. Journal of Public Economics.
Shertzer, A., Twinam, T., & Walsh, R. P. (2014). Race, ethnicity, and discriminatory zoning. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 20108. (Revision submitted to American Economic Journal: Applied Economics)
Villarreal, C., Bettenhausen, B., Hanss, E., & Hersch, J. (2014). Historical health conditions in major U.S. cities: The HUE data set. Historical Methods, 47(2), 67-80.
Publications - Proceedings
Costa, D. L., & Kahn, M. E. (2015, May). Declining mortality inequality within cities during the health transition. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 105(5), 564-69.
O'Grady, T. (2013). Three Essays on Property Rights to Natural Resources and Institutional Change (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Santa Barbara.
Shertzer, A. (2011). Essays on Political Economy and Mass Migration to the United States, 1900-1930 (Doctoral Dissertation). University of California, Los Angeles.
Twinam, T. (2015). The Economics of Zoning (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Pittsburgh.
Villereal, C. (2015). Essays on the Persistence of Urban Form (Doctoral Dissertation). The University of Chicago.
Intergenerational Linked Aging Sample (ILAS):
Publications - Papers
Pope, C. L. (2000). Inequality in the nineteenth century. In Engerman, S. L., & Gallman, R. E. (Eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of the United States, Vol. 2, 109-142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pope, C. L. (1999). Social mobility, free labor and the American dream. In Engerman, S. L. (Ed.), The Terms of Labor. Stanford, CT: Stanford University Press.