
Olga is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on health economics, with a particular interest in issues affecting women, children, and young adults.

David Cutler is the Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics at Harvard University. His research interests include the determinants of health status and longevity, the economics of health care delivery, and health policy.

Kaushik Ghosh is a research specialist at the NBER. His work focuses on health economics and the study of health care delivery.

Trivellore Raghunathan is a professor of biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. He specializes in statistical analysis of incomplete data, multiple imputation, Bayesian inference, design and analysis of sample surveys, small area estimation, analysis of longitudinal data, confidentiality and disclosure limitation, cardiovascular epidemiology.

Susan Stewart, a gerontologist, is a research specialist at the NBER. Her primary focus is the measurement of the output of the health care system in terms of quality-adjusted life expectancy.

Andrew Wang is a research economist at the NBER. His research interests include science, technology, innovation, and economic productivity.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health grant #R37AG047312 and the National Institute on Aging grant #R37AG047312
Publications in Journals that Preclude Working Papers
Papers in outlets that restrict pre-publication working paper distribution.
CITATION: Medical Care 57(4), April 2019, pp. 262-269
CITATION: PLOS ONE 15(8), August 2020, e0237082