Improving Grant Peer Review Science of Science Funding
ImPROGRESS is a groundbreaking study of Economics of Science that will build a science-of-science approach to grant Peer Review (PR). ImPROGRESS undertakes an investigation about the choices of PR design that increase the accuracy (= predictive validity) of funding decisions with the aim to provide science-based insights on which designs of the grant PR improve the funding of research and the progress of science and society. ImPROGRESS will provide causal predictions concerning which designs of grant PR (which reviewers, how many, which protocols/criteria, which aggregation/deliberation method) lead to more accurate funding decisions.

Chiara Franzoni is a professor in the School of Management at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. Her research focuses on economics of science and innovation, Intellectual Property rights and the funding of science and technology.

Paula Stephan is a professor of economics, emeritus, at Georgia State University’ Andrew Young School of Policy Studies and a Research Associate of the NBER. Her research focuses on the economics of science and the careers of scientists and engineers.
Supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant #G-2021-14189
"Encouraging high-risk high-reward research at NIH" prepared for "Building a better NIH" conference at the Brookings Institution, Fall 2022.