The NBER recognizes the growing importance of confidential data and other restricted-access information in the conduct of economics research. NBER staff members will assist any NBER Research Associate or Faculty Research Fellow in acquiring research data and in complying with the terms of the associated Data Use Agreement (DUA). Because of the potential legal and reputational risk associated with the use of confidential data, it is essential that NBER staff members are informed about any data on the NBER premises or used on NBER computers that is confidential or subject to a data use agreement. All contracts or data use agreements for data at the NBER or on NBER computers must be reviewed and/or signed by an authorized official of the NBER. Researchers who plan to use confidential data should begin by contacting either Alterra Milone, The Director of Research and Grants Management, or Mohan Ramanajan (for aging or health data) or Erin Richardson (otherwise).
The NBER's data security policies and procedures