The Place-Based Innovation Policy Study Group (EAGER 2232647) originally proposed to accomplish three interrelated objectives: (a) convening a virtual reading group with the NSF to discuss the details and elements of place-based innovation policies using the TIP Regional Innovation Engines program as an organizing anchor; (b) convening an in-person meeting at the NSF to discuss place-based innovation policies; (c) writing a summary “white paper” on the key guidelines and elements of place-based innovation policies and program design. With the successful completion of all three of these elements of the initial grant, this supplement proposes follow-on research focusing on the potential means by which the insights from the Study Group can be used in the design and training for Federal place—based innovation programs such an the NSF Regional Innovation Engines program.
Specifically, the supplement focuses on two key specific objectives. First, the supplement provides support to identify how to utilize materials reviewed and synthesized within the study group (and associated white paper) into a concrete curriculum to educate and provide guidance for regional stakeholders. Second, the supplement aims to provide support in which to identify the means by which such material might be delivered effectively as part of enabling strategic regional policy interventions.