Sorting and Long-Run Inequality
Many social commentators have raised concerns over the possibility that increased sorting in a society can lead to greater inequality. To investigate this we construct a dynamic model of intergenerational education acquisition, fertility, and marital sorting and parameterize the steady state to match several basic empirical findings. Contrary to Kremer's (1997) finding of a basically insignificant effect of marital sorting on inequality, we find that increased marital sorting will significantly increase income inequality. Three factors are central to our findings: a negative correlation between fertility and education, a decreasing marginal effect of parental education on children's years of education, and wages that are sensitive to the relative supply of skilled workers.
Published Versions
Fernandez, Raquel and Richard Rogerson. "Sorting And Long-Run Inequality," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2001, v116(4,Nov), 1305-1341. citation courtesy of