Japan's Big Bang and the Transformation of Financial Markets
Working Paper 7247
DOI 10.3386/w7247
Issue Date
A first step in the 'big bang' markets was the deregulation of the foreign exchange market on April 1, 1998. This paper examines how the bid-ask spread and conditional volatility in the yen/dollar foreign exchange market changed around the time of the deregulation. Intra-day data are analyzed with the following results: (1) Holding constant the effects of volume and volatility, the deregulation was associated with a convergence of Japanese quoted spreads toward those of other banks. (2) Modeling the persistence in volatility reveals that deregulation lowered conditional volatility.
Published Versions
Blomstrom, M., B. Gangnes, S. La Croix (eds.) Japan’s New Economy. Oxford University Press, January 2001.