Explaining the Cross-Section of Stock Returns in Japan: Factors or Characteristics?
Working Paper 7246
DOI 10.3386/w7246
Issue Date
Japanese stock returns are even more closely related to their book-to-market ratios than are their U.S. counterparts, and thus provide a good setting for testing whether the return premia associated with these characteristics arise because the characteristics are proxies for covariance with priced factors. Our tests, which replicate the Daniel and Titman (1997) tests on a Japanese sample, reject the Fama and French (1993) three-factor model but fails to reject the characteristic model.
Published Versions
Daniel, Kent, Sheridan Titman and K. C. John Wei. "Explaining The Cross-Section Of Stock Returns In Japan: Factors Or Characteristics?," Journal of Finance, 2001, v56(2,Apr), 743-766. citation courtesy of