Exchange Rates and Corporate Pricing Strategies
Working Paper 4151
DOI 10.3386/w4151
Issue Date
This paper reviews the recent literature on pass-through and pricing-to-market. Pricing-to market behavior is estimated for a new, larger data set with 60 German and 20 U.S. 7-digit industries. The results conform closely to what has been found elsewhere in smaller detailed data sets and at higher levels of aggregation. German exporters show more tendency to price-to-market than U.S. exporters for the sample of industries studied, but there is much variation across the industries. Surprisingly, pricing-to-market is more pronounced in German exports of steel and chemicals than in consumer goods.
Published Versions
Amihud, Yakov and Richard M. Lewich (eds.) Exchange Rates and Corporate Performance. New York: Irwin, 1994.