The Unintended Consequences of Rebalancing
Institutional investors engage in trillions of dollars of regular portfolio rebalancing, often based on calendar schedules or deviations from allocation targets. We document that such rebalancing has a market impact and generates predictable price patterns. When stocks are overweight, funds sell stocks and buy bonds, leading to a decrease in equity returns of 17 basis points over the next day. Our results are robust to controls for momentum, reversals, and macroeconomic information. Importantly, we estimate that current rebalancing practices cost investors about $16 billion annually—or $200 per U.S. household. Moreover, the predictability of these trades enables certain market participants to profit by front-running the orders of large institutional funds. While rebalancing remains a fundamental tool for investors, our findings highlight the costs associated with prevailing strategies and emphasize the need for innovative approaches to mitigate these costs.