Winston Wei Dou is the lead author of this paper. We thank Sam Antill, Scott Baker, Tobias Berg, Tara Bhandari, Philip Bond, Lauren Cohen, Nicolas Crouzet, Ian Dew-Becker, Itamar Drechsler, Bernard Dumas, Lorenzo Garlappi, Michael Gofman, Itay Goldstein, Joao Gomes, Jarrad Harford, Zhiguo He, Jerry Hoberg, Erik Hurst, Chad Jones, Steve Kaplan, Bryan Kelly, Pete Klenow, Dong Lou, Sydney Ludvigson, Yueran Ma, Max Maksimovic, Gregor Matvos, Timothy McQuade, Toby Moskowitz, Stefan Nagel, Mitchell Petersen, Tom Sargent, Julien Sauvagnat, Lukas Schmid, Gill Segal, Ivan Shaliastovich, Andrei Shleifer, Kelly Shue, Rob Stambaugh, Amir Sufi, Chad Syverson, Luke Taylor, Neng Wang, Constantine Yannelis, and Irina Zviadadze for their detailed discussions and comments, and thank seminar participants and conference discussants at Adolfo Ibáñez University AFBC, ASU, Boca, Chicago (Booth), CityU HK, CKGSB, EFA, Finance Forum, FIRS, FMA, FMCG, Frankfurt School, INSEAD, JNU, LBS SFS, Mack Institute, Macro Finance Society, MARC, MFA, NHH, Northwestern (Kellogg), NZFM, PanAgora Asset Management, Paris December, QES Global Quant and Macro Investment, SAIF, SDSU, SDU, SFS Cavalcade, SIF, Suffolk, Sveriges Riksbank, TAMU, UBC (Sauder), UNSW, Université Paris Dauphine, USC (Marshall), UW (Foster), WFA, Wharton, Wharton MLG, Workshop on Macro-Finance Trends, Yale (SOM), and YSFC for their comments. We thank Scott Baker for sharing firms' retail consumer data. Dou acknowledges financial supports from the Mack institute for innovation management, the Jacobs Levy equity management center for quantitative financial research, and the Golub Faculty Scholar Award at Wharton. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.