What’s Driving Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Transport Sector?
In this chapter we draw from existing literature and a range of statistics to describe economic, entrepreneurial and innovative activities in the transportation and warehousing sector of the U.S. economy. We suggest multiple avenues for future work, and argue for more research on the role of warehousing in particular. Recent trends suggest that the warehousing and storage subsector is experiencing rapid economic and technological changes, likely reflecting shifts in how consumers purchase goods. We also review several other recent innovations, including ride-sharing and autonomous vehicles, that are starting to affect this sector of the economy.
Published Versions
What’s Driving Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Transportation Sector?, Derrick Choe, Alexander Oettl, Rob Seamans. in The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth, Andrews, Chatterji, Lerner, and Stern. 2022