This paper originated in a May 2019 presentation by Campbell to the NBER Conference on Long-Term Asset Management, available online at We are grateful to seminar participants at Harvard Business School, the Virtual Finance Workshop, and UNC for comments and to Malcolm Baker, Eduardo Davila, Xavier Gabaix, Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, Gur Huberman, Yueran Ma, Ian Martin, Egil Matsen, Carolin Pflueger, Tarun Ramadorai, Adriano Rampini, Rob Sitkoff, Jeremy Stein, Larry Summers, Luis Viceira, Wei Xiong, and Mao Ye for helpful conversations and correspondence on this topic. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
John Y. Campbell
Outside Activities
A. Compensated Activities1
Asset Management
Founding partner since 1999, Arrowstreet Capital, LP:
Commissioned Research
Consultant to European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) research project on a pan-European pension fund product. Research conducted by SDA Bocconi School of Management faculty Andrea Berardi, Claudio Tebaldi, and Fabio Trojani, 2017-18.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant for international comparative studies of household finance, 2011-2014.
Brookings Institution paper with Robert Shiller and Luis M. Viceira, “Understanding Inflation-Indexed Bond Markets”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 79-120, Spring 2009.
Conference Organization
National Bureau of Economic Research, conference on Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, 2007.
Speaking Engagements
Journal of Investment Management, 2007.
Mellon Global Investments, Brazil, 2007.
Real Colegio Complutense, 2007 and 2008.
Pension Real Estate Association, 2008.
International Conference on Economics, Finance, and Accounting, National Taiwan University, 2009.
China International Conference in Finance, Beijing, 2010.
Forum for the Future of Higher Education, Aspen, 2011.
Karl Borch Lecture, NHH, Bergen, Norway, 2011.
David Kinley Lecture, University of Illinois, 2012.
Purvis Lecture, Canadian Economic Association, 2012.
Morgan Stanley Lecture, New Economic School, Moscow, 2012.
International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, 2012.
Hirtle Callaghan Investment Leadership Award, Philadelphia, PA, 2013.
European Financial Management Association, Reading, UK, 2013.
600th Anniversary Lecture, University of St. Andrews, 2013.
Northern Finance Association, Québec, 2013.
Eugene Fama Prize for Outstanding Contributions to Doctoral Education, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with Andrew Lo and Craig MacKinlay, 2014.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Copenhagen Business School, 2015.
Miami Behavioral Finance Conference, 2015.
ECB Conference on Household Finance and Consumption, Frankfurt, 2015.
Ely Lecture, American Economic Association, 2016.
Gary P. Brinson Lecture, Washington State University, 2016.
Finance Down Under Conference, University of Melbourne, 2016.
Belgian Financial Research Forum, Brussels, 2016.
Arrow Lectures, Stanford University, 2017.
Conference on the Econometrics of Financial Markets, Stockholm, 2017.
3rd BI-ShoF Conference on Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Oslo, 2017.
10th Macro Finance Society Workshop, Boston, 2017.
B. Significant Non-Compensated Activities
American Economic Association: Executive Committee, 2016-18.
American Economic Journal Macroeconomics: Editorial Board, 2007-09.
Andover Newton Theological School: Board of Trustees, 2012-17.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Academic Research Council, 2012-17.
Econometric Society: Council, 2002-09; Investments Committee, 2006-10.
Harvard Management Company: Board, 2004-11.
International Atlantic Economic Society: President, 2008-09.
Journal of Financial Econometrics: Advisory Board, 2001-present.
Journal of Financial Economics: Advisory Board, 2007-present.
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking: Advisory Board, 2001-present.
National Bureau of Economic Research: Pension Plan Fiduciary, 2015-present.
Office of Financial Research, US Treasury: Financial Research Advisory Committee, 2014-18.
Oxford-Man Institute: Academic Advisory Board, 2012-15.
Right Question Institute: Board of Trustees, 2018-present.
1 Excludes honoraria from non-profit institutions, government agencies, and academic journals of $3,000 or less
in a given year, and payments from for-profit firms of $500 or less in a given year.