Deterministic Debt Cycles in Open Economies with Flow Collateral Constraints
This paper establishes the existence of deterministic cycles in infinite-horizon open economy models with a flow collateral constraint. It shows that for plausible parameter configurations, the economy has a unique equilibrium exhibiting deterministic cycles in which periods of debt growth are followed by periods of debt deleveraging. In particular, three-period cycles exist, which implies by the Li-Yorke Theorem the presence of cycles of any periodicity and chaos. The paper also shows that deterministic cycles are absent in the Ramsey optimal allocation providing a justification for macroprudential policies even in the absence of uncertainty.
Published Versions
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé & Martín Uribe, 2021. "Deterministic debt cycles in open economies with flow collateral constraints," Journal of Economic Theory, vol 192. citation courtesy of