Firm-level Irreversibility
Contradicting Cooper and Haltiwanger (2006), Clementi and Palazzo (2019) report a largely symmetric investment rate distribution in Compustat, with a large fraction of negative investment rates, 18.2%, and conclude “no sign of irreversibility (p. 289).” Their evidence is flawed. A data error on depreciation rates understates gross investment and shifts the whole gross investment rate distribution leftward. Nonstandard sample screens on age and acquisitions further curb its right tail, which is subsequently truncated at 0.2. Fixing these problems restores the heavily asymmetric investment rate distribution with a fat right tail. The fraction of negative investment rates is small, only 4.9%–6.2%.
A section of this paper is devoted to a replication of, and comment on, NBER working paper 21064. The authors of that paper have posted a reply which may be found here.