The authors would like to thank Ann Carlos, two anonymous referees, Lee Alston, Charles Calomiris, and Kenneth Snowden as well as participants at Rutgers University and the NBER Development of the American Economy meetings for valuable comments and suggestions. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Price V. Fishback
Grant support for this project has come from the following grants. Some are past grants because we are using some data that was collected and digitized under prior projects.
“The Great Depression, the New Deal, and the Origins of Modern State Government Fiscal Policies.” National Science Foundation Grant SES-135744. $355,591 for three years. Collaborative with Theresa Gutberlet at Renssalaer Polytechnic Insitute for another $123,000.
“Institutional Performance and Change During Boom and Bust: The Residential Mortgage Market, 1920-1940.” National Science Foundation Grant SES-1061927. $304,300 for three years. Collaborative with Kenneth Snowden at University of North Carolina, Greensboro for another $150,000.
”The Dramatic Rise in Agricultural Productivity in the U.S During the Twentieth Century: Disentangling the Roles of Technological Change, Government Policy, and Climate.” With Paul Rhode at Michigan as co-PI, and Michael Haines at Colgate as a contractor. National Science Foundation. SES-0921732. $598,932.00, 2009-2012.
“Government, Housing, and the Changing Income Distribution During the Great Depression: A Dissaggregated and Microeconomic Approach.” National Science Foundation, SES 0617972 $410,087 with Alfonso Flores-Lagunes and Kei Hirano at University of Arizona. Collaborative with Shawn Kantor at UC Merced with another $150,000, 2006-2009.
“The Impact of the New Deal on Local Economic Development,” with William Horrace and Shawn Kantor. National Science Foundation No. SES 0214483, $392,798, July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2004, extended to June 30, 2006.
“The Impact of the New Deal on Local Economic Development,” with William Horrace and Shawn Kantor. National Science Foundation No. SES-0080324, $284,382, July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2002.
“The Impact of New Deal Relief Spending on Local Labor Markets,” with Shawn E. Kantor, National Science Foundation, SBR-9708098, $176,470, July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1999.
As far as I know, no one with whom I have worked or from whom I have received funding has a financial, ideological, or political stake in the research.
To be safe I will list all associations.
I have a Thomas R. Brown Professorship at the University of Arizona’s Economics Department. The professorship and resources provided by the Department help support my research.
I have received funds from the Koch Foundation to provide support for research on state governments’ responses to the Great Depression and the New Deal and to bring prominent economic historians to campus to give talks and interact with students.
I am the Executive Director of the Economic History Association and receive in-kind support to provide me with a course off and/or graduate support for my duties and for research.
I am a Fellow of the TIAA-CREF Institute.
I am a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research