Financial Innovations in International Financial Markets
The central theme of this paper is that financial innovation has become a major force effecting the United States and other developed economies. The common features of the process include product innovation, securitization, liberalization of domestic financial market practices, globalization of markets, and increased competition among financial institutions. The paper offers a review of the product and process changes that have occurred in international financial markets, an analysis of the factors leading to these changes, and an examination of the implications for both financial market participants and macroeconomic policy makers.
Published Versions
Levich, Richard M. "Financial Innovations in International Financial Markets," The Changing Role of the United States and the World Economy, ed. by M. Feldstein. Chicago: UCP, 1987.
Levich, Richard M. "Recent International Financial Innovations: Implications For Financial Management," Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 1989, v1(1,Spring), 1-14.
Financial Innovations in International Financial Markets, Richard M. Levich, E. Gerald Corrigan, Charles S. Sanford, Jr., George J. Votja. in The United States in the World Economy, Feldstein. 1988