Measuring Uncertainty about Long-Run Prediction
Long-run forecasts of economic variables play an important role in policy, planning, and portfolio decisions. We consider long-horizon forecasts of average growth of a scalar variable, assuming that first differences are second-order stationary. The main contribution is the construction of predictive sets with asymptotic coverage over a wide range of data generating processes, allowing for stochastically trending mean growth, slow mean reversion and other types of long-run dependencies. We illustrate the method by computing predictive sets for 10 to 75 year average growth rates of U.S. real per-capita GDP, consumption, productivity, price level, stock prices and population.
Published Versions
Ulrich K. Müller & Mark W. Watson, 2016. "Measuring Uncertainty about Long-Run Predictions," The Review of Economic Studies, vol 83(4), pages 1711-1740. citation courtesy of