Disability Insurance and Labor Market Exit Routes of Older Workers in The Netherlands
This paper presents information on labor market participation of the elderly, mortality and health, pathways to retirement and rates of participation in various earnings replacing programs in the Netherlands. It presents an overview of reforms to Disability Insurance (DI) and other income maintenance and early retirement programs over the past few decades, and examines to what extent these reforms have affected labor market exit routes of older workers. The overall picture that emerges is that DI receipt appears unrelated to the general health of the population and that over the last two decades relatively fewer older workers exit the labor market through DI. This reduction may, arguably, in part be attributed to stricter DI eligibility rules.
Published Versions
Disability Insurance and Labor Market Exit Routes of Older Workers in the Netherlands, Klaas de Vos, Arie Kapteyn, Adriaan Kalwij. in Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participation and Reforms, Wise. 2012