On the Relative Pricing of long Maturity S&P 500 Index Options and CDX Tranches
We investigate a structural model of market and firm-level dynamics in order to jointly price long-dated S&P 500 options and tranche spreads on the five-year CDX index. We demonstrate the importance of calibrating the model to match the entire term structure of CDX index spreads because it contains pertinent information regarding the timing of expected defaults and the specification of idiosyncratic dynamics. Our model matches the time series of tranche spreads well, both before and during the financial crisis, thus offering a resolution to the puzzle reported by Coval, Jurek and Stafford (2009).
Published Versions
On the Relative Pricing of long Maturity Options an d Collateralized Debt Obligations," Pierre Collin- Dufresne, Robert S. Goldstein and Fan Yang, The Journal of Finance, Vol.67 No.6, 2012.