His and Hers: Gender Differences in Work and Income, 1959-1979
This paper describes changes in hours of work and income between 1959 and 1979 of women and men ages 25-64. It includes attempts to measure and value nonmarket production and leisure as well as market work, to take account of possible income-sharing within households, and to allow for economies of scale in household production. The most important empirical result is that, relative to men, women's access to goods and services and leisure was lower in 1979 than in 1959. Changes in hourly earnings, hours of work, and household structure contributed to this result. The sex differential in hourly earnings is explored in detail.
Published Versions
Fuchs, Victor R. "His and Hers: Gender Differences in Work and Income, 195 9-1979." Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 4, No. 3, Part 2 (July 1986), pp. S245-S272. citation courtesy of