Marginal Jobs, Heterogeneous Firms, & Unemployment Flows
This paper introduces a notion of fir m size into a search and matching model with endogenous job destruction. The outcome is a rich, yet analytically tractable framework that can be used to analyze a broad set of features of both the cross section and the dynamics of the aggregate labor market. In a set of quantitative applications we show that the model can provide a coherent account of a) the salient features of the distributions of employer size, and employment growth across establishments; b) the amplitude and propagation of cyclical fluctuations in flows between employment and unemployment; c) the negative comovement of unemployment and vacancies in the form of the Beveridge curve; and d) the dynamics of the distribution of employer size over the business cycle.
Published Versions
Elsby, Michael W. L., and Ryan Michaels. 2013. "Marginal Jobs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Unemployment Flows." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5(1): 1-48.