Money Growth and Interest Rates
Our paper explores a transmission mechanism of monetary policy through bond market. Based on the assumption of delayed responses of economic agents to monetary shocks, we derive a system of equations relating the term structure of interest rates with the past history of money growth rates and test the equations with the US data. Our results confirm that the higher ordered moments of money growth rate(converted from the past history of money growth rates) influence the yields of bonds with various maturities in different timing as well as in different magnitudes and monetary policy targeting a certain shape of the term structure of interest rates could be implemented with certain time lags due to path-dependency of interest rates.
Published Versions
Ito, Takatoshi and Andrew K. Rose (eds.) Monetary Policy with Very Low Inflation in the Pacific Rim NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, vol. 15. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Money Growth and Interest Rates, Seok-Kyun Hur. in Monetary Policy with Very Low Inflation in the Pacific Rim, Ito and Rose. 2006