Central Planning and Monetarism: Fellow Travelers?
We discuss the monetary institutions and macroeconomics of centrally planned economies (CPEs) ; objectives and techniques of monetary control; the relevance to CPEs of the neutrality property, the natural rate hypothesis, and the quantity theory; the roles of stock .and flow variables and the stability of asset demand and expenditure functions; the relation between monetary policy, fiscal policy and incomes policy in CPEs; the CPE equivalent of a floating exchange rate and its implications for monetary policy; and "super crowding out." Many considerations suggest that monetarism as theory and policy might be more applicable under central planning than it is in market economies.
Published Versions
Portes, Richard. "Central Planning and Monetarism: Fellow Travelers?" Marxism, Central Planning and the Soviet Economy: Economic Essays in Honor of Alexander Erlich, ed. by Padma Desai, pp. 149-165. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, (1983).