Time Preference and International Lending and Borrowing in an Overlapping-Generations Model
Working Paper 0352
DOI 10.3386/w0352
Issue Date
Two economies, represented by Diamond-type overlapping-generations models and differing only in their pure rates of time preference, are joined together. Capital formation, balance-of-payments behavior, and welfare are compared under autarky and openness. With a positive natural rate of growth, the low-time-preference country runs a current account surplus in the steady state but not necessarily outside it. If preexisting capital is not shiftable between countries, integration in the world economy makes the high-time-preference country worse off in the short run. The ranking of stationary utility levels under autarky and openness is ambiguous.
Published Versions
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 769-797, (August 1981). citation courtesy of