Social Security Wealth: The Impact of Alternative Inflation Adjustments
The distribution of wealth is one of the most important and least studied features of our economic life. A lack of good data on household wealth is the primary reason for the inadequate attention to this subject. Moreover, the evidence that is available from household surveys and estate records excludes the most important asset of the vast majority of households: the value of future social security benefits. The purpose of the current paper is to present evidence on the distribution of social security wealth and to use these estimates to analyze the impact of alternative methods of adjusting future benefits for changes in the price level.
Published Versions
Feldstein, Martin S. and Pellechio, Anthony. "Social Security Wealth: The Impact of Alternative Inflation Adjustments." Financial Social Security, edited by Colin D. Campbell, pp. 91-117. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Research, 1979.