Alternative Trade Strategies and Employment - Plan of Research for Country Studies
This paper was originally prepared as part of the first stage of the research project, Alternative Trade Strategies and Employment. The project as a whole is focused upon identifying the relationships between alternative trade strategies -- export promotion and import substitution -- and growth in the demand for labor. The project has altogether three stages: (1) the preparatory stage, in which the theory underlying the relationship between trade strategy and employment was developed and a methodology for undertaking empirical research was formulated; (2) the second stage, in which project participants undertook the empirical research for individual countries and also for particular topics of special interest for the project as a whole, based upon the papers prepared in the first stage; and (3) a summing up, in which the results of the individual studies are analyzed in order to ascertain what insights into the trade-employment relation seem generally applicable. At the present time, the second stage of the project is nearing completion. This paper constituted one part of the first stage of the project: it spells out much of the basic methodology that underlies the individual country studies.
Published Versions
Krueger, Anne O. "Alternative Trade Strategies And Employment In LCDs," American Economic Review, 1978, v68(2), 270-274.
Krueger, Anne O. "The Framework of the Country Studies." Trade and Employment in Developing Countries: I. Individual Studies, edited by A.O. Krueger, H.B. Lary, T. Monson, and N.C. Akrasane, Chapter 1, pp.13-25. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.