Interpreting Spectral Analyses in Terms of Time-Domain Models
Working Paper 0037
DOI 10.3386/w0037
Issue Date
This paper derives relationships between frequency-domain and standard time-domain distributed-lag and autoregessive moving-average models. These relations are well known in the literature but are presented here in a pedogogic form in order to facilitate interpretation of spectral and cross-spectral analyses. In addition, the paper employs the conventions and discusses the estimation procedures used in TROLL. Some aspects of these estimation procedures are new and have not been discussed in the literature.
Published Versions
Engle, R., from Annals of Economic and Social Measurements, Vol. 5, 1976.
Interpreting Spectral Analyses in Terms of Time-Domain Models, Robert F. Engle. in Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 5, number 1, Berg. 1976