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Alex Adames, University of Pennsylvania
Renée Adams, University of Oxford
Anjali Adukia, University of Chicago and NBER
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Mackenzie Alston, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lukas Althoff, Stanford University
Elizabeth Ananat, Columbia University and NBER
D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University and NBER
Desmond Ang, Harvard University and NBER
Belinda Archibong, Columbia University and NBER
David Arnold, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Amanda Bayer, Swarthmore College
Samuel Bazzi, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Marianne Bitler, University of California, Davis and NBER
Francine D. Blau, Cornell University and NBER
Vicki Bogan, Duke University and NBER
Charles C. Brown, University of Michigan and NBER
Marcus D. Casey, University of Illinois at Chicago
Alex Chan, Harvard University
Anusha Chari, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Courtney Coile, Wellesley College and NBER
Kalena Cortes, Texas A&M University and NBER
Robynn J.A. Cox, University of California, Riverside
Alison Evans Cuellar, George Mason University and NBER
Jamein P. Cunningham, University of Texas at Austin
William Darity, Duke University
Jerry Davis, University of Michigan
Angus Deaton, Princeton University and NBER
Ellora Derenoncourt, Princeton University and NBER
Rebecca Diamond, Stanford University and NBER
Vittoria Dicandia, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Timothy Diette, Hampden-Sydney College
Will S. Dobbie, Harvard University and NBER
Johnny Ducking, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Susan Dynarski, Harvard University and NBER
Lavar C. Edmonds, Stanford University
Dania V. Francis, University of Massachusetts Boston
Megan Ming Francis, University of Washington
David E. Frisvold, University of Iowa and NBER
Rob Gillezeau, University of Toronto
Edward L. Glaeser, Harvard University and NBER
Art Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
Rahul Goravara, Yale University
Jevay Grooms, Howard University and NBER
Jake Grumbach, University of California, Berkeley
Kareem Haggag, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Melody Harvey, Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison
Gary A. Hoover, Tulane University
Peter Hull, Brown University and NBER
Gerald D. Jaynes, Yale University
Michelle Jiang, Columbia University
Maggie E.C. Jones, Emory University and NBER
Lawrence F. Katz, Harvard University and NBER
Haydar Kurban, Howard University
Ilyana Kuziemko, Princeton University and NBER
Joanna Lahey, Texas A&M University and NBER
Kevin Lang, Boston University and NBER
Jennifer Lee, Columbia University
Stephan Lefebvre, Bucknell University
Steven F. Lehrer, Queen's University and NBER
Phillip B. Levine, Wellesley College and NBER
Trevon D. Logan, The Ohio State University and NBER
Adrienne Lucas, University of Delaware and NBER
Samuel R. Lucas, University of California, Berkeley
Lisa M. Lynch, Brandeis University and NBER
Dan J. McGee, Monash University
Ellen Meara, Harvard University and NBER
Conrad Miller, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Jeffrey A. Miron, Harvard University and NBER
Olivia S. Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Randall Morck, University of Alberta and NBER
Jonathan Mummolo, Princeton University
Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
Suresh Naidu, Columbia University and NBER
Chika O. Okafor, Harvard University
Anita Alves Pena, Colorado State University
Devin G. Pope, University of Chicago and NBER
Katya Potemkina, Cornell University
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gregory Price, University of New Orleans
Jessica Wolpaw Reyes, Amherst College and NBER
Dubravka Ritter, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
David Rosé, Wilfrid Laurier University
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Iowa State University and NBER
Daniel W. Sacks, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Boyoung Seo, Indiana University
Ying Shi, Syracuse University
Hitoshi Shigeoka, Simon Fraser University and NBER
Margaret Simms, Urban Institute
Kenneth J. Singleton, Stanford University and NBER
Daphne Skandalis, University of Copenhagen
Chantal Smith, Washington and Lee University
Jeffrey A. Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Lena Song, Columbia University
Christiane Szerman, London School of Economics
Marco Tabellini, Harvard University and NBER
Evan J. Taylor, University of Arizona
Timothy Thomas, University of California, Berkeley
Ejindu Ume, Miami University of Ohio
Damián Vergara, University of California, Berkeley
Angelino Viceisza, Spelman College and NBER
Natasha Kumar Warikoo, Tufts University
Ebonya L. Washington, Columbia University and NBER
George Wehby, University of Iowa and NBER
Bruce A. Weinberg, The Ohio State University and NBER
Jhacova A. Williams, American University
Atsushi Yamagishi, Hitotsubashi University
Scott E. Yonker, Cornell University
Maria Zhu, Syracuse University

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