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Shilpa Aggarwal, Indian School of Business
Angel H. Aguiar, Purdue University
Jenny Aker, Tufts University
Uris Baldos, Purdue University
Samuel Bazzi, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Jayson Beckman, US Department of Agriculture
Lauren F. Bergquist, Yale University and NBER
Mary Bohman, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Colin A. Carter, University of California at Davis
Shoumitro Chatterjee, Johns Hopkins University
Jonathan M. Colmer, University of Virginia
Kerem Coşar, University of Virginia and NBER
Jonathan I. Dingel, Columbia University and NBER
Dave Donaldson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Carmen Estrades, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Thibault Fally, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Osea Giuntella, University of Pittsburgh and NBER
Douglas Gollin, Tufts University
Munisamy Gopinath, University of Georgia
Jessie Handbury, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Casper Worm Hansen, University of Copenhagen
Kari Heerman, Office of the United States Trade Representative
Thomas Hertel, Purdue University
Dahyeon Jeong, World Bank
David Laborde, International Food Policy Research Institute
Will Martin, International Food Policy Research Institute
Frances C. Moore, University of California at Davis
Justin R. Pierce, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Obie Porteous, Middlebury College
Will Rafey, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Matthias Rieger, Erasmus University
Jonathan Robinson, University of California, Santa Cruz and NBER
Lorenzo Rotunno, International Monetary Fund
James E. Sayre, University of California, Davis
Paul Scott, New York University
Joseph S. Shapiro, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Sebastian Sotelo, University of Michigan and NBER
Alan Spearot, University of California at Santa Cruz
Sandro Steinbach, North Dakota State University
Michael E. Waugh, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and NBER

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