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Puriya Abbassi, Deutsche Bundesbank
Ashwini Agrawal, London School of Economics
Joshua Aizenman, University of Southern California and NBER
Stefania Albanesi, University of Miami and NBER
Pooyan Amir-Ahmadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mary Amiti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Torben G. Andersen, Northwestern University and NBER
Philippe Bacchetta, University of Lausanne
Richard Baldwin, International Institute for Management Development and NBER
Laurence M. Ball, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Simcha Barkai, Boston College
Sumanta Basu, Cornell University
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
Paul Beaudry, University of British Columbia and NBER
Joseph Beaulieu, Brevan Howard
Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Amar Bhide, Columbia University
Daniele Bianchi, Queen Mary University of London
Francesco Bianchi, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Carola Binder, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Bruce Blonigen, University of Oregon and NBER
Patrick Bloom, University of California at San Diego
Frederic Boissay, Bank for International Settlements
Matilde Bombardini, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Michael D. Bordo, Rutgers University and NBER
Jorge Braga de Macedo, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and NBER
Markus K. Brunnermeier, Princeton University and NBER
May Bunsupha, Harvard University
John Y. Campbell, Harvard University and NBER
Mark Carey, Office of Financial Research
Elena Carletti, Bocconi University
Carlos Carvalho, Kapitalo Investimentos and PUC-Rio
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Bank of England
Indraneel Chakraborty, University of Miami
Roberto Chang, Rutgers University and NBER
Ing-Haw Cheng, University of Toronto
Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
Daragh Clancy, European Stability Mechanism
James Cloyne, University of California, Davis and NBER
Shawn Cole, Harvard University and NBER
Susan M. Collins, University of Michigan
Kathleen B. Cooper, Southern Methodist University
Francesca Cornelli, London Business School
Matteo Crosignani, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Dean Croushore, University of Richmond
Magnus Dahlquist, Stockholm School of Economics
Kent D. Daniel, Columbia University and NBER
Sreyoshi Das, Bates White
Alexander David, University of Calgary
Eduardo Dávila, Yale University and NBER
Filippo De Marco, Bocconi University
Luca Dedola, European Central Bank
Peter M. DeMarzo, Stanford University and NBER
Zaki Dernaoui, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Douglas W. Diamond, University of Chicago and NBER
Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Jonathan I. Dingel, University of Chicago and NBER
Dobrislav Dobrev, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Dave Donaldson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Christopher Donohue, Global Association of Risk Professionals
John C. Driscoll, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Mark L. Egan, Harvard University and NBER
Tim Eisert, Nova School of Business and Economics
Lorenz Emter, Trinity College Dublin
William English, Yale University
Isil Erel, The Ohio State University and NBER
Antonio Falato, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Lily Fang, INSEAD
Michael Faulkender, University of Maryland
Robert C. Feenstra, University of California, Davis and NBER
Zadia M. Feliciano, Queens College and Graduate Center, City University of New York and NBER
C. Fritz Foley, Harvard University
Kristin Forbes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University and NBER
Jeffrey Fuhrer, Eastern Bank Foundation
Masao Fukui, Boston University
Marcus Fum, Economic Surveillance and Forecasting Division
Marcio Garcia, PUC-Rio
Domenico Giannone, International Monetary Fund
Linda S. Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Yale University and NBER
Gita Gopinath, International Monetary Fund
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Matthew Grant, Dartmouth College
Daniel Greenwald, New York University and NBER
Arpit Gupta, New York University
Adam Guren, Boston University and NBER
Refet S. Gürkaynak, Bilkent University
Stefanie Haller, University College Dublin
Jessie Handbury, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Gordon H. Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Oliver D. Hart, Harvard University and NBER
Joshua K. Hausman, University of Michigan and NBER
Beverly Hirtle, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Takeo Hoshi, University of Tokyo
David Hummels, Purdue University and NBER
John Hund, University of Georgia
Douglas A. Irwin, Dartmouth College and NBER
Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University and NBER
Victoria Ivashina, Harvard University and NBER
Yuto Iwasaki
Marek Jarociński, European Central Bank
Beata Javorcik, University of Oxford and CEPR
Olivier Jeanne, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Jessica Jeffers, HEC Paris
Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
Zhengyang Jiang, Northwestern University and NBER
Kathryn Judge, Columbia University
Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Brown University and NBER
Nikunj Kapadia, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Steven N. Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Peter Karadi, European Central Bank
Anil K Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER
Patrick J. Kennedy, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Michael Kiley, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Hyunseob Kim, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Robert G. King, Boston University and NBER
Andrei Kirilenko, University of Cambridge
Michael W. Klein, Tufts University and NBER
Laura Kodres, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Leonid Kogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Peter Koudijs, University of Rotterdam
Anna Kovner, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Kala Krishna, Pennsylvania State University and NBER
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Bank of Canada
Konstantin Kucheryavyy, Baruch College
Andrew Kuritzkes, State Street Corporation
André Kurmann, Drexel University
Vegard Larsen, Norges Bank
Eben Lazarus, University of California, Berkeley
Simone Lenzu, New York University
Caterina Lepore, Bank of England
Christian Leuz, University of Chicago and NBER
Richard M. Levich, New York University and NBER
Stefan Lewellen, Pennsylvania State University
Karen K. Lewis, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Bo Li, Tsinghua University
Dan Li, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Chen Lian, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Andres Liberman, New York University
John Lipsky, Johns Hopkins University
Alexander Ljungqvist, Stockholm School of Economics
Prakash Loungani, Johns Hopkins University
David Lucca, Jane Street
Sydney C. Ludvigson, New York University and NBER
Victor Lyonnet, University of Michigan
Yueran Ma, University of Chicago and NBER
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
Kalina Manova, University College London
Tatyana Marchuk, BI Norwegian Business School
Nelson Mark, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Michael McCracken, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University and NBER
John McLaren, University of Virginia and NBER
Jack Meaning, Bank of England
Ben S. Meiselman, Department of the Treasury
Thomas Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University and NBER
Yuhei Miyauchi, Boston University
David M. Modest, QLS Partners
John A. Mondragon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Joan Monras, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Randall Morck, University of Alberta and NBER
Holger Mueller, New York University and NBER
Stefan Nagel, University of Chicago and NBER
Charles G. Nathanson, Northwestern University
Andreas Neuhierl, Washington University in St Louis
Friederike Niepmann, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Pascal J. Noel, University of Chicago and NBER
Federico Nucera, Bank of Italy
Martin Oehmke, London School of Economics
Marcus Opp, Stockholm School of Economics
Athanasios Orphanides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Oguzhan Ozbas, Bilkent University
Christopher Palmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
David Papell, University of Houston
Evi Pappa, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Andrew Patton, Duke University
George Pennacchi, University of Illinois
Paolo A. Pesenti, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and NBER
Carolin Pflueger, University of Chicago and NBER
Gregory Phelan, Williams College
Gordon M. Phillips, Dartmouth College and NBER
Richard Portes, London Business School and NBER
Pavol Povala, Norges Bank Investment Management
Robert Pozen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert Prilmeier, Tulane University
Matthew Pritsker, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Amiyatosh Purnanandam, University of Michigan
Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago and NBER
Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London
Valerie A. Ramey, Stanford University and NBER
S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Yeshiva University, Visiting Professor Yale School of Management
Ricardo Reis, London School of Economics
J. David Richardson, Syracuse University
Michael R. Roberts, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Roberta Romano, Yale University and NBER
Nancy L. Rose, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Eric Rosengren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, University of Chicago and NBER
Kasper Roszbach, Norges Bank
Elisa Rubbo, University of Chicago and NBER
Katheryn Russ, University of California, Davis and NBER
Saygin Sahinoz, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Asani Sarkar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Alexi Savov, New York University and NBER
Larissa Schäfer, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
David S. Scharfstein, Harvard University and NBER
Martin C. Schmalz, University of Oxford
Philipp Schnabl, New York University and NBER
Antoinette Schoar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Stacey Schreft, Department of the Treasury
Til Schuermann, Oliver Wyman
Gustavo A. Schwenkler, Santa Clara University
Michael Schwert, AQR Arbitrage
Tatevik Sekhposyan, Texas A&M University
Dmitriy Sergeyev, Bocconi University
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
Felipe Severino, Dartmouth College
Jay C. Shambaugh, The George Washington University and NBER
Hyun Song Shin, Bank for International Settlements
Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University and NBER
Rui C. Silva, Nova School of Business and Economics
Allen Sinai, Decision Economics, Inc.
Dongho Song, Johns Hopkins University
Erik Stafford, Harvard University
Sascha Steffen, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Jeremy C. Stein, Harvard University and NBER
Claudia Steinwender, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
James H. Stock, Harvard University and NBER
Philip Strahan, Boston College and NBER
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University and NBER
René M. Stulz, The Ohio State University and NBER
Dan Su, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Amir Sufi, University of Chicago and NBER
Yang Sun, Brandeis University
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Eric T. Swanson, University of California, Irvine and NBER
Jérôme P. Taillard, Babson College
Andrea Tamoni, Rutgers University
Bledi Taska, SkyHive
Saskia ter Ellen, Norges Bank
Anjan Thakor, Washington University in St Louis
Allan Timmermann, University of California, San Diego
Heather Tookes, Yale University and NBER
Mathias Trabandt, Goethe University Frankfurt
Margarita Tsoutsoura, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Mauricio Ulate, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Rosen Valchev, Boston College and NBER
Isabel Vansteenkiste, European Central Bank
Joseph S. Vavra, University of Chicago and NBER
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University and NBER
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Federal Reserve Board of Governors and NBER
Razvan Vlahu, De Nederlandsche Bank
Honglin Wang, Norges Bank Investment Management
Mark W. Watson, Princeton University and NBER
Shang-Jin Wei, Columbia University and NBER
Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Lucy White, Boston University
Johannes Wieland, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Emily Williams, Harvard University
Jeffrey Wurgler, New York University and NBER
Jasmine Xiao, University of Notre Dame
Kairong Xiao, Columbia University and NBER
Shayan Zakipour-Saber, Bank of Ireland
Yao Zeng, University of Pennsylvania
Hao Zhou, Tsinghua University
Martin B. Zimmerman, University of Michigan
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago and NBER
Eric Zwick, University of Chicago and NBER

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