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Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Hassan Afrouzi, Columbia University and NBER
Andrea Ajello, Federal Reserve Board
Felipe Alves, Bank of Canada
S. Borağan Aruoba, University of Maryland and NBER
Adrien Auclert, Stanford University and NBER
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
Michael D. Bauer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Paul Beaudry, University of British Columbia and NBER
Martin Beraja, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Saroj Bhattarai, University of Texas at Austin
Francesco Bianchi, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Javier Bianchi, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Saki Bigio, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Luigi Bocola, Stanford University and NBER
Frederic Boissay, Bank for International Settlements
Paolo Bonomolo, De Nederlandsche Bank
Michael Boutros, University of Toronto
Tobias Broer, Institute for International Economic Studies
Giacomo Candian, HEC Montreal
Cristiano Cantore, Sapienza University of Rome
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Bank of England
Ryan Chahrour, Cornell University
Kaiji Chen, Emory University
Lawrence Christiano, Northwestern University and NBER
Fernando Cirelli, Columbia University
Nicolas Crouzet, Northwestern University
Marco Del Negro, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Ian Dew-Becker, Northwestern University and NBER
Sebastian Di Tella, Stanford University and NBER
Edouard Djeutem, Bank of Canada
Gauti B. Eggertsson, Brown University and NBER
Martin S. Eichenbaum, Northwestern University and NBER
Stefano Eusepi, University of Texas at Austin
Antonio Falato, Federal Reserve Board
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Joel P. Flynn, Yale University
Ippei Fujiwara, Keio University
Francesco Furlanetto, Norges Bank
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Luca Gagliardone, New York University
Jordi Galí, CREI and NBER
Meghana Gaur, Princeton University
Mark Gertler, New York University and NBER
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
François Gourio, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
John R. Grigsby, Princeton University and NBER
Kazuhiro Hiraki, Bank of Japan
Tom D. Holden, Deutsche Bundesbank
Cosmin L. Ilut, Duke University and NBER
Òscar Jordà, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Diego R. Känzig, Northwestern University and NBER
Shinnosuke Katsuki, Bank of Japan
Rohan Kekre, University of Chicago and NBER
Amir Kermani, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Georgi Kocharkov, Deutsche Bundesbank
Ralph S. J. Koijen, University of Chicago and NBER
Robert Kollmann, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Bank of Canada
Manuel Lancastre, Brown University
Moritz Lenel, Princeton University and NBER
Chen Lian, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Yueran Ma, University of Chicago and NBER
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University and NBER
Cristina Manea, Bank for International Settlements
Riccardo Masolo, Catholic University, Milan
Kiminori Matsuyama, Northwestern University
Kostas Mavromatis, Dutch Central Bank
Césaire Meh, World Bank Group
Leonardo Melosi, University of Warwick
Virgiliu Midrigan, New York University and NBER
Kurt Mitman, Institute for International Economic Studies
Pooya Molavi, Northwestern University
Anton Nakov, ECB and CEPR
Abdoulaye Ndiaye, New York University
Eric Neuyou, University of Arkansas
Phuong (Bob) Ngo, Cleveland State University
George Nikolakoudis, Princeton University
Federico Nucera, Bank of Italy
Yasutaka Ogawa, Bank of Japan
Aleksei Oskolkov, University of Chicago
Pablo Ottonello, University of Maryland and NBER
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Giorgio Primiceri, Northwestern University and NBER
Zhesheng Qiu, City University of Hong Kong
Valerie A. Ramey, Stanford University and NBER
Ricardo Reis, London School of Economics
Natalie S. Rickard, London Business School
Matthias Rottner, Deutsche Bundesbank
Elisa Rubbo, University of Chicago and NBER
Sanjay R. Singh, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and UC Davis
Jón Steinsson, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Luminita Stevens, University of Maryland
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University and NBER
Lars E.O. Svensson, Stockholm School of Economics and NBER
Eric T. Swanson, University of California, Irvine and NBER
Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi, Northwestern University
Siang Meng Tan, Monetary Authority of Singapore
Alan M. Taylor, Columbia University and NBER
Stephen J. Terry, University of Michigan and NBER
Mathias Trabandt, Goethe University Frankfurt
Antonella Trigari, Bocconi University
Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago and NBER
Rosen Valchev, Boston College and NBER
Laura Veldkamp, Columbia University and NBER
Giovanni L. Violante, Princeton University and NBER
Karl Walentin, Uppsala University
Michael Weber, University of Chicago and NBER
Mirko Wiederholt, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Johannes Wieland, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Michael Woodford, Columbia University and NBER
Jasmine Xiao, University of Notre Dame
Eran Yashiv, Tel Aviv University
Yang Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Francesco Zanetti, University of Oxford
Guihai Zhao, Bank of Canada
Nathan Zorzi, Dartmouth College

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