Viral V. Acharya, New York University and NBER
Reena Aggarwal, Georgetown University
Kenneth R. Ahern, University of Southern California and NBER
Tania Babina, University of Maryland and NBER
Ana Babus, Washington University in St Louis
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Itzhak Ben-David, The Ohio State University and NBER
Matteo Benetton, University of California, Berkeley
Asaf Bernstein, University of Colorado Boulder and NBER
John Beshears, Harvard University and NBER
Christa Bouwman, Texas A&M University
Alon Brav, Duke University and NBER
Markus K. Brunnermeier, Princeton University and NBER
Greg Buchak, Stanford University
Georgia Bush, Banco de México
Sophie Calder-Wang, University of Pennsylvania
Richard Cantor, Moody's Investors Service
Mark Carey, Office of Financial Research
Catherine Casanova, Swiss National Bank
Stephen G. Cecchetti, Brandeis University and NBER
Briana Chang, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Hui Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Ing-Haw Cheng, University of Toronto
Pierre Collin-Dufresne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Lin William Cong, Cornell University and NBER
Harry R. Cooperman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Adam Copeland, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Ricardo Correa, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Matteo Crosignani, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Nicolas Crouzet, Northwestern University
Vicente Cuñat, The London School of Economics
Claudia Custodio, Imperial College London
Robert Czech, Bank of England
Magnus Dahlquist, Stockholm School of Economics
Kent D. Daniel, Columbia University and NBER
Olivier Darmouni, Columbia University
Eduardo Dávila, Yale University and NBER
Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Peter M. DeMarzo, Stanford University and NBER
Douglas W. Diamond, University of Chicago and NBER
William F. Diamond, University of Pennsylvania
Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Sebastian Doerr, Bank for International Settlements
Jason R. Donaldson, Washington University in St Louis
Itamar Drechsler, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Wenxin Du, Harvard University and NBER
Gregory Duffee, Johns Hopkins University
Francesco D’Acunto, Georgetown University
Janice C. Eberly, Northwestern University and NBER
Florian Ederer, Boston University and NBER
Mark L. Egan, Harvard University and NBER
Tim Eisert, Nova School of Business and Economics
Andrea L. Eisfeldt, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Andrew Ellul, Indiana University
Mustafa Emin, University of Florida
Isil Erel, The Ohio State University and NBER
Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, EPFL
Maryam Farboodi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Michael Faulkender, University of Maryland
Mark Flannery, University of Florida
Francesco Franzoni, Swiss Finance Institute
Carola Frydman, Northwestern University and NBER
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Daniel G. Garrett, University of Pennsylvania
Shan Ge, New York University
Simon Gervais, Duke University
Mila Getmansky Sherman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Erasmo Giambona, Syracuse University
Mariassunta Giannetti, Stockholm School of Economics
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Yale University and NBER
Andrei S. Gonçalves, The Ohio State University
Will Gornall, University of British Columbia
John Graham, Duke University and NBER
Daniel Greenwald, New York University and NBER
Robin Greenwood, Harvard University and NBER
Jillian Grennan, Emory University
Dirk Hackbarth, Boston University
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Tarek Alexander Hassan, Boston University and NBER
Alex X. He, University of Maryland
Zhiguo He, Stanford University and NBER
Florian Heider, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Sean Higgins, Northwestern University
Kazuhiro Hiraki, Bank of Japan
Takeo Hoshi, University of Tokyo
Sabrina T. Howell, New York University and NBER
Jing Huang, Texas A&M University
John Hund, University of Georgia
Sasha Indarte, University of Pennsylvania
Victoria Ivashina, Harvard University and NBER
Christopher M. James, University of Florida
Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
Hao Jiang, Michigan State University
Zhengyang Jiang, Northwestern University and NBER
Kose John, New York University
Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London
Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Brown University and NBER
Nikunj Kapadia, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andrew Karolyi, Cornell University
Stephen A. Karolyi, Department of the Treasury
Anil K Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER
Fiona Kasperk, University of Oxford
Hyunseob Kim, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Laura Kodres, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Zhi Xing Koh, Monetary Authority of Singapore
Sotirios Kokas, University of Essex
Arthur Korteweg, University of Southern California
Anna Kovner, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Michal Kowalik, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Jan Pieter Krahnen, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
Lukas Kremens, University of Washington
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Randall S. Kroszner, University of Chicago and NBER
Mathias Kruttli, Indiana University
Theresa Kuchler, New York University and NBER
Camelia M. Kuhnen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Anil Kumar, Aarhus University
Shohini Kundu, University of California, Los Angeles
Rafael La Porta, Brown University and NBER
Luc Laeven, European Central Bank
William W. Lang, Promontory Financial Group
Simone Lenzu, New York University
Stefan Lewellen, Pennsylvania State University
Tao Li, University of Florida
Bing Liang, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, SKEMA Business School and NBER
Dong Lou, London School of Economics
Jing Lu, UNSW
Stephan Luck, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Song Ma, Yale University and NBER
Yiming Ma, Columbia University
Yueran Ma, University of Chicago and NBER
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
Alberto Manconi, Bocconi University
Tatyana Marchuk, BI Norwegian Business School
Natalya Martynova, Deutsche Bundesbank
Peter Maxted, University of California, Berkeley
Simon Mayer, Carnegie Mellon University
Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University and NBER
Timothy McQuade, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Ralf Meisenzahl, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University and NBER
Konstantin Milbradt, Northwestern University and NBER
Phillip J. Monin, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Randall Morck, University of Alberta and NBER
Alan Moreira, University of Rochester and NBER
Adair Morse, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Lira Mota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vladimir Mukharlyamov, Georgetown University
William Mullins, University of California, San Diego
Scott T. Nelson, University of Chicago
Victor Ng, Goldman Sachs
Friederike Niepmann, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Stanislava Nikolova, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Federico Nucera, Bank of Italy
Sangmin Simon Oh, Columbia Business School
Christian Opp, University of Rochester and NBER
Marcus Opp, Stockholm School of Economics
Paige Ouimet, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mark Paddrik, Office of Financial Research
Darius Palia, Rutgers University
Teodora K. Paligorova, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Cecilia Parlatore, New York University and NBER
George Pennacchi, University of Illinois
Francisco Perez-Gonzalez, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and NBER
Enrico C. Perotti, University of Amsterdam
Jose-Luis Peydro, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Gordon M. Phillips, Dartmouth College and NBER
Giorgia Piacentino, University of Southern California and NBER
Tomasz Piskorski, Columbia University and NBER
Simon Potter, Millennium
Robert Prilmeier, Tulane University
Matthew Pritsker, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Amiyatosh Purnanandam, University of Michigan
Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago and NBER
Adriano A. Rampini, Duke University and NBER
S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Yeshiva University, Visiting Professor Yale School of Management
Jonathan Reuter, Boston College and NBER
Michael R. Roberts, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Claudia Robles Garcia, Stanford University
Roberta Romano, Yale University and NBER
Kasper Roszbach, Norges Bank
Asani Sarkar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Alexi Savov, New York University and NBER
Martin C. Schmalz, University of Oxford
Philipp Schnabl, New York University and NBER
Catherine Schrand, University of Pennsylvania
Stacey Schreft, Department of the Treasury
G. William Schwert, University of Rochester and NBER
Julia Selgrad, New York University
Ishita Sen, Harvard University
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
Enrico Sette, Bank of Italy
Or Shachar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Kenneth J. Singleton, Stanford University and NBER
Rhiannon C. Sowerbutts, Bank of England
Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
Erik Stafford, Harvard University
Sascha Steffen, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Jeremy C. Stein, Harvard University and NBER
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER
René M. Stulz, The Ohio State University and NBER
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Daniel K. Tarullo, Harvard University
Lucian A. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania
Anjan Thakor, Washington University in St Louis
Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago and NBER
Boris Vallee, Harvard University
Skander Van Den Heuvel, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Emil Verner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Vikrant Vig, Stanford University and NBER
S. Vish Viswanathan, Duke University and NBER
Razvan Vlahu, De Nederlandsche Bank
Nancy E. Wallace, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Jialan Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Neng Wang, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Olivier Wang, New York University
Zachry Z. Wang, Stanford University
Sumudu W. Watugala, Indiana University
Toni Whited, University of Michigan and NBER
Rohan Williamson, Georgetown University and NBER
Michael D. Wittry, The Ohio State Univeristy
Jonathan H. Wright, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Kairong Xiao, Columbia University and NBER
Chenzi Xu, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Dong Yan, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University & CEPR
Constantine Yannelis, University of Cambridge
Vijay Yerramilli, C. T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston
Motohiro Yogo, Princeton University and NBER
Rebecca Zarutskie, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Yao Zeng, University of Pennsylvania
Alexander K. Zentefis, Yale University
Anthony Lee Zhang, University of Chicago
Gaiyan Zhang, University of Missouri
Filip Zikes, Federal Reserve Board of Governors