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Nobuo Akai, Osaka University
Simon Alder, Swiss National Bank
Treb Allen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Natee Amornsiripanitch, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Gene Amromin, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Santosh Anagol, University of Pennsylvania
Costas Arkolakis, Yale University and NBER
David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Jie Bai, Harvard University and NBER
Jan David Bakker, Bocconi University
Alexander W. Bartik, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Panle Jia Barwick, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Vittorio Bassi, University of Southern California and NBER
Nathaniel Baum-Snow, University of Toronto
Youssef Benzarti, University of California, Santa Barbara and NBER
David W. Berger, Duke University and NBER
Christopher Berry, University of Chicago
Alain Bertaud, New York University
Neil Bhutta, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Cindy Biesenbeek, De Nederlandsche Bank
Stephen B. Billings, University of Colorado
Leah Brooks, The George Washington University
Gregorio S. Caetano, University of Georgia
Susan Cherry, Stanford University
Alex Chinco, Baruch College
Nicholas Chiumenti, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Souphala Chomsisengphet, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Antonio Ciccone, University of Mannheim
Elior Cohen, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Robert Collinson, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Victor Couture, University of Toronto
José-Luis Cruz, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Brian Curran, University of Chicago
Matz Dahlberg, Uppsala University
Thomas Davidoff, University of British Columbia
Lucas W. Davis, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Morris Davis, Rutgers University
Jorge De la Roca, University of Southern California
Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Rajeev H. Dehejia, New York University and NBER
Rebecca Diamond, Stanford University and NBER
Jonathan I. Dingel, Columbia University and NBER
Denise DiPasquale, City Research
Gilles Duranton, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Gabriel Ehrlich, University of Michigan
Sebastian Ellingsen, University of Bristol
Benjamin Faber, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Henry S. Farber, Princeton University and NBER
James J. Feigenbaum, Boston University and NBER
Fernando V. Ferreira, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Olle Folke, Uppsala University
Christopher Foote, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Simon Franklin, Queen Mary University of London
Simon Fuchs, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Andreas Fuster, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute
Justin Gallagher, Montana State University
Sharat Ganapati, Georgetown University and NBER
Alvaro Garcia Marin, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
Andrew Garin, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
Cecile Gaubert, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Nicolas Gendron-Carrier, McGill University
Andra C. Ghent, University of Utah
Marco Giacoletti, University of Southern California
Edward L. Glaeser, Harvard University and NBER
Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, University of California at Berkeley
Joshua D. Gottlieb, University of Chicago and NBER
Allison E. Green, Princeton University
Jesse M. Gregory, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
José-Alberto Guerra, Universidad de los Andes
Arpit Gupta, New York University
Umit Gurun, University of Texas at Dallas
Yi Jie Gwee, Columbia University
Joseph Gyourko, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Jonathan Hall, The University of Alabama
Lu Han, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Jessie Handbury, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Mariaflavia Harari, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Hartley, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Barney Hartman-Glaser, University of California at Los Angeles
Naomi Hausman, Hebrew University
Stephan Heblich, University of Toronto and NBER
Rawley Z. Heimer, Arizona State University
J. Vernon Henderson, London School of Economics
Nathaniel Hendren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Aurel Hizmo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Thomas J. Holmes, University of Minnesota and NBER
Harrison Hong, Columbia University and NBER
Caroline M. Hoxby, Stanford University and NBER
Federico Huneeus, Duke University
Benjamin G. Hyman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Clement Imbert, University of Warwick
Yannis M. Ioannides, Tufts University
Mark R. Jacobsen, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Erica Xuewei Jiang, University of Southern California
Matthew E. Kahn, University of Southern California and NBER
Benjamin J. Keys, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Christopher R. Knittel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Scott Duke Kominers, Harvard University
Jacob Krimmel, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Theresa Kuchler, New York University and NBER
Lorenz Kueng, Swiss Finance Institute
Amrita Kulka, New York University and University of Warwick
Edward Kung, California State University, Northridge
Mark J. Kutzbach, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Lauren Lambie-Hanson, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Andrea Lamorgese, Bank of Italy
Kevin Lang, Boston University and NBER
Donghoon Lee, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Kwok Hao Lee, National University of Singapore
Yong Suk Lee, University of Notre Dame
Shanjun Li, Cornell University and NBER
Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Sitian Liu, Queen's University
Lara Loewenstein, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Nancy Lozano Gracia, The World Bank
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Chandler Lutz, Securities and Exchange Commission
Rocio Madera, Southern Methodist University
Vikram Maheshri, University of Houston
Kyle Mangum, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Dayanand S. Manoli, Georgetown University and NBER
Gregor Matvos, Northwestern University and NBER
Christopher J. Mayer, Columbia University and NBER
Kathleen M. McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Therese McGuire, Northwestern University
Timothy McQuade, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
Jeffrey A. Miron, Harvard University and NBER
Vrinda Mittal, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Yuhei Miyauchi, Boston University
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University and NBER
Myra Mohnen, University of Ottawa
Jonathan Moreno-Medina, University of Texas at San Antonio
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Philip Mulder, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Alvin Murphy, Arizona State University
Dávid Krisztián Nagy, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
Kentaro Nakajima, Hitotsubashi University
Charles G. Nathanson, Northwestern University
Paul Novosad, Dartmouth College
Andrew Paciorek, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Christopher Palmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Xinle Pang, SUNY Buffalo
Andrii Parkhomenko, University of Southern California
Jonas Peeters, The Wharton School
Kate Pennington, U.S. Census Bureau
Bitsy Perlman, U.S. Census Bureau
Monika Piazzesi, Stanford University and NBER
Anne Piehl, Rutgers University and NBER
Tomasz Piskorski, Columbia University and NBER
Giacomo A.M. Ponzetto, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
Tommaso Porzio, Columbia University and NBER
Andrei V. Potlogea, University of Edinburgh
Diego Puga, CEMFI
Franklin Qian, University of North Carolina
Luis E. Quintero, Johns Hopkins University
Rodney Ramcharan, University of Southern California
Stephen J. Redding, Princeton University and NBER
Jonah M. Rexer, Princeton University
Daniel R. Ringo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Stuart Rosenthal, Cornell University
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, University of Chicago and NBER
Brigitte Roth Tran, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Diego Rybski, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Albert Saiz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James M. Sallee, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Andrew A. Samwick, Dartmouth College and NBER
David S. Scharfstein, Harvard University and NBER
Molly Schnell, Northwestern University and NBER
Gregor Schubert, University of California, Los Angeles
Amy Ellen Schwartz, University of Delaware
Nathan Seegert, University of Utah
Felipe Severino, Dartmouth College
Or Shachar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Joseph S. Shapiro, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Kevin Y. Shih, University of California, Riverside
Maheshwor Shrestha, World Bank
Holger Sieg, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Todd M. Sinai, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Aradhya Sood, University of Toronto
Jeanne Sorin, University of Chicago
Adam Storeygard, Tufts University and NBER
William Strange, University of Toronto
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER
Bryan A. Stuart, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Yichen Su, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, Stanford University and NBER
Meiping Sun, Fordham University
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Brandon Tan, International Monetary Fund
Kegon T.K. Tan, University at Buffalo
Jacques-François Thisse, Université Catholique de Louvain (CORE)
Linh T. Tô, Boston University
Walter N. Torous, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clemence Tricaud, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Nick Tsivanidis, University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Turner, Brown University and NBER
Philip Ushchev, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Arthur A. van Benthem, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Wilbert H. van der Klaauw, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University and NBER
Joseph S. Vavra, University of Chicago and NBER
Joanna Venator, Boston College
Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School
Stan Veuger, American Enterprise Institute
James Vickery, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Nico Voigtländer, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Nancy E. Wallace, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew R. Waxman, University of Texas at Austin
William Wheaton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cora Wigger, Elon University
Paul S. Willen, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and NBER
Daniel Wilson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Arlene Wong, Princeton University
Maisy Wong, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Derek Wu, University of Virginia
Angela Wyse, Dartmouth College
Yang Yang, International Monetary Fund
Vincent Yao, Georgia State University
Edison G. Yu, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Junfu Zhang, Clark University
Owen M. Zidar, Princeton University and NBER
Eric Zwick, University of Chicago and NBER

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