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Torben G. Andersen, Northwestern University and NBER
Daniel Andrei, McGill University
Samuel Antill, Harvard University
Markus Baldauf, University of British Columbia
Nicholas C. Barberis, Yale University and NBER
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Luca Benzoni, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jaroslav Borovička, New York University and NBER
Nina Boyarchenko, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Markus K. Brunnermeier, Princeton University and NBER
Andrea Buraschi, University of Chicago
John Y. Campbell, Harvard University and NBER
David Chapman, University of Virginia
Hui Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Yixin Chen, University of Rochester
Mikhail Chernov, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Alex Chinco, Baruch College
Pierre Collin-Dufresne, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
George M. Constantinides, University of Chicago and NBER
Antonio Coppola, Stanford University
Mariano Max Croce, Bocconi University
Julien Cujean, University of Bern
Kent D. Daniel, Columbia University and NBER
Eduardo Dávila, Yale University and NBER
Yao Deng, University of Connecticut
Zaki Dernaoui, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Winston Wei Dou, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Itamar Drechsler, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Gregory Duffee, Johns Hopkins University
Darrell Duffie, Stanford University and NBER
Bernard Dumas, INSEAD and NBER
Andrea L. Eisfeldt, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Maryam Farboodi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Wayne E. Ferson, University of Southern California and NBER
Andrea Frazzini, AQR Capital Management
Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College and NBER
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Vito Gala, PIMCO
Lorenzo Garlappi, University of British Columbia
Maria Gelrud, University of Pennsylvania
Stefano Giglio, Yale University and NBER
Vincent Glode, University of Pennsylvania
Robert Goldstein, University of Minnesota and NBER
Francisco Gomes, London Business School
João F. Gomes, University of Pennsylvania
Matthieu Gomez, Columbia University
Daniel Green, Harvard University
Hongye Guo, University of Hong Kong
Valentin Haddad, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Samuel Hanson, Harvard University and NBER
Tarek Alexander Hassan, Boston University and NBER
Benjamin M. Hébert, Stanford University and NBER
Bernard Herskovic, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Sabrina T. Howell, New York University and NBER
Kristy A.E. Jansen, University of Southern California
Urban Jermann, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Lawrence J. Jin, Cornell University and NBER
Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London
Ron Kaniel, University of Rochester
Mahyar Kargar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bryan T. Kelly, Yale University and NBER
Amir Kermani, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Narayana R. Kocherlakota, University of Rochester and NBER
Leonid Kogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Ralph S. J. Koijen, University of Chicago and NBER
Péter Kondor, London School of Economics
Alexandr Kopytov, University of Rochester
Peter Koudijs, University of Rotterdam
Serhiy Kozak, University of Maryland
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Howard Kung, London Business School
Rafael La Porta, Brown University and NBER
Owen Lamont, Acadian Asset Management
Tim Landvoigt, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Eben Lazarus, University of California, Berkeley
Moritz Lenel, Princeton University and NBER
Caterina Lepore, Bank of England
Martin Lettau, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Jonathan Lewellen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Karen K. Lewis, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Andrew W. Lo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Lars A. Lochstoer, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Erik Loualiche, University of Minnesota
David Lucca, Jane Street
Sydney C. Ludvigson, New York University and NBER
Hanno Lustig, Stanford University and NBER
Matteo Maggiori, Stanford University and NBER
Asaf Manela, Washington University in St Louis
Timothy McQuade, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Maarten Meeuwis, Washington University in St Louis
Thomas Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Alexander Michaelides, Imperial College London
Konstantin Milbradt, Northwestern University and NBER
Indrajit Mitra, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Alan Moreira, University of Rochester and NBER
Lira Mota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tyler Muir, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Stefan Nagel, University of Chicago and NBER
Charles G. Nathanson, Northwestern University
Christian Opp, University of Rochester and NBER
Michaela Pagel, Washington University in St Louis and NBER
Emiliano Pagnotta, Singapore Management University
Stavros Panageas, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Jonathan A. Parker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Cecilia Parlatore, New York University and NBER
Diego J. Perez, New York University and NBER
Carolin Pflueger, University of Chicago and NBER
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Monika Piazzesi, Stanford University and NBER
Tomasz Piskorski, Columbia University and NBER
Christopher Polk, London School of Economics
Lionel Potier, Banque de France
Pavol Povala, Norges Bank Investment Management
Sriram Rajan, Department of the Treasury
Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London
Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER
Robert J. Richmond, New York University and NBER
Nikolai Roussanov, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Juliana Salomao, University of Minnesota and NBER
Shrihari Santosh, University of Maryland
Alexi Savov, New York University and NBER
José A. Scheinkman, Columbia University and NBER
Martin C. Schmalz, University of Oxford
Lawrence D.W. Schmidt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Emil Siriwardane, Harvard University and NBER
Michael Sockin, University of Texas at Austin
Dongho Song, Johns Hopkins University
Chester S. Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
James H. Stock, Harvard University and NBER
Pengfei Sui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Savitar Sundaresan, Imperial College London
Suresh Sundaresan, Columbia University
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
Lars E.O. Svensson, Stockholm School of Economics and NBER
Paul Tetlock, Columbia University
Christopher Tonetti, Stanford University and NBER
Argyris Tsiaras, Smith College
Jules H. van Binsbergen, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, Columbia University and NBER
Laura Veldkamp, Columbia University and NBER
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University and NBER
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Federal Reserve Board of Governors and NBER
Tuomo Vuolteenaho, Arrowstreet Capital
Jessica Wachter, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Jonathan L. Wallen, Harvard Business School
Chen Wang, University of Notre Dame
Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Toni Whited, University of Michigan and NBER
Wei Xiong, Princeton University and NBER
Amir Yaron, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Mao Ye, Cornell University and NBER
Yao Zeng, University of Pennsylvania
Alexander K. Zentefis, Yale University
Geoffery X. Zheng, NYU Shanghai
Haoxiang Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Yicheng Zhu, University of Pennsylvania
Stanley E. Zin, New York University and NBER

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