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Hassan Afrouzi, Columbia University and NBER
Jugnu Ansari, Reserve Bank of India
Adrien Auclert, Stanford University and NBER
Ruediger Bachmann, University of Notre Dame
Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University and NBER
Pierluigi Balduzzi, Boston College
Laurence M. Ball, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Simcha Barkai, Boston College
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
David W. Berger, Duke University and NBER
Drago Bergholt, Norges Bank
Nittai K. Bergman, Tel Aviv University
Francesco Bianchi, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Andrés Blanco, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Michael D. Bordo, Rutgers University and NBER
Gillian Brunet, Smith College
Markus K. Brunnermeier, Princeton University and NBER
Oliver Bush, Bank of England
John Y. Campbell, Harvard University and NBER
Catherine Casanova, Swiss National Bank
Itamar Caspi, Bank of Israel
Stephen G. Cecchetti, Brandeis University and NBER
Ryan Chahrour, Cornell University
Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Harvard University and NBER
Olivier Coibion, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Fergus A. Cumming, University of Oxford
Marco Di Maggio, Imperial College Business School
John C. Driscoll, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Burcu Duygan, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Janice C. Eberly, Northwestern University and NBER
Gauti B. Eggertsson, Brown University and NBER
William English, Yale University
Christopher Foote, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Kristin Forbes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Benjamin M. Friedman, Harvard University and NBER
Jeffrey Fuhrer, Eastern Bank Foundation
Jordi Galí, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics and NBER
Mark Gertler, New York University and NBER
Marc P. Giannoni, Barclays Corporate and Investment Bank
Simon Gilchrist, New York University and NBER
Matthieu Gomez, Columbia University
Gita Gopinath, International Monetary Fund
Gary B. Gorton, Yale University and NBER
Sophie Guilloux-Nefussi, Banque de France
Arun Gupta, Yale University
Adam Guren, Boston University and NBER
Refet S. Gürkaynak, Bilkent University
Kinda Cheryl Hachem, University of Virginia and NBER
Joshua K. Hausman, University of Michigan and NBER
Boris Hofmann, Bank for International Settlements
Takeo Hoshi, University of Tokyo
Christopher House, University of Michigan and NBER
Peter N. Ireland, Boston College and NBER
Klodiana Istrefi, Banque de France
Takatoshi Ito, Columbia University and NBER
Rajkamal Iyer, Imperial College London
Benjamin K. Johannsen, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Stephanie G. Johnson, Rice University
Loukas Karabarbounis, University of Minnesota and NBER
Anil K Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER
Benjamin Kay, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Jeevan Khundrakpam, Reserve Bank of India
Patrick Kiefer, University of California at Los Angeles
Peter J. Klenow, Stanford University and NBER
Narayana R. Kocherlakota, University of Rochester and NBER
Anton Korinek, University of Virginia and NBER
Dmitri K. Koustas, University of Chicago
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Kenneth Kuttner, Williams College and NBER
Jennifer La'O, Columbia University and NBER
Toomas Laarits, New York University
Yin Sze Liew, Monetary Authority of Singapore
Lara Loewenstein, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Sydney C. Ludvigson, New York University and NBER
Shaowen Luo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Yiming Ma, Columbia University
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Pym Manopimoke, University of Kansas
Alisdair McKay, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Michael McMahon, University of Oxford
Ben S. Meiselman, Department of the Treasury
Karel Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Atif R. Mian, Princeton University and NBER
Jeffrey A. Miron, Harvard University and NBER
John A. Mondragon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Knut Anton Mork, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Stefan Nagel, University of Chicago and NBER
Emi Nakamura, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Akihiro Nakano, Bank of Japan
Serena Ng, Columbia University and NBER
Thuy Lan Nguyen, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Ricardo Nunes, University of Surrey
Athanasios Orphanides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jonathan A. Parker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Monika Piazzesi, Stanford University and NBER
Martin Ploedt, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Giorgio Primiceri, Northwestern University and NBER
Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER
Samuel Reynard, Swiss National Bank
Christina D. Romer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
David H. Romer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Argia Sbordone, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Fabio Schiantarelli, Boston College
Benjamin Schoefer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Frank Schorfheide, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Guy Segal, Bank of Israel
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
Matthew D. Shapiro, University of Michigan and NBER
Allen Sinai, Decision Economics, Inc.
Jón Steinsson, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Luminita Stevens, University of Maryland
James H. Stock, Harvard University and NBER
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER
Amir Sufi, University of Chicago and NBER
Kenji Suganuma, Bank of Japan
Patrick K. Sun, Federal Communications Commission
Lars E.O. Svensson, Stockholm School of Economics and NBER
Eric T. Swanson, University of California, Irvine and NBER
Richard T. Thakor, University of Minnesota
Leif Ander. Thorsrud, BI Norwegian Business School
Skander Van Den Heuvel, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Daniel Villar, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Cindy Vojtech, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Eugene N. White, Rutgers University and NBER
Johannes Wieland, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Paul S. Willen, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and NBER
John C. Williams, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thomas Winberry, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Jonathan H. Wright, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Jing Cynthia Wu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Zhen Yan, University of Michigan
Mu-Jeung Yang, University of Oklahoma
Jing Zhou, International Monetary Fund
Feng Zhu, Bank for International Settlements
Eric Zwick, University of Chicago and NBER


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