Conference program
James D. Adams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and NBER
Ufuk Akcigit, University of Chicago and NBER
Ashish Arora, Duke University and NBER
Enghin Atalay, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
Ernst R. Berndt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Rudrani Bhattacharya, National Institute for Public Finance and Policy
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University and NBER
Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University and NBER
Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University and NBER
Iain M. Cockburn, Boston University and NBER
Allan Collard-Wexler, Duke University and NBER
Pablo D'Erasmo, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Jan De Loecker, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Barbara M. Fraumeni, Central University of Finance and Economics and NBER
Robert J. Gordon, Northwestern University and NBER
Shane Greenstein, Harvard University and NBER
John C. Haltiwanger, University of Maryland and NBER
Jonathan Haskel, Imperial College London
Matthew J. Higgins, University of Utah and NBER
Leonardo Iacovone, The World Bank
William Janeway, University of Cambridge
Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Brown University and NBER
Benjamin Kay, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Matthias Kehrig, Duke University and NBER
William R. Kerr, Harvard University and NBER
Enisse Kharroubi, Bank for International Settlements
Elisabeth Kremp, Banque de France DGSER and NBER
Sylvain Leduc, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Renata Lemos, The World Bank
Zheng Liu, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Megan MacGarvie, Boston University and NBER
Jacques Mairesse, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics and NBER
Ferdinando Monte, Georgetown University and NBER
Hernan J. Moscoso Boedo, University of Cincinnati
Abhishek Nagaraj, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Aviv Nevo, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Sophie Osotimehin, University of Quebec at Montreal
Ariel Pakes, Harvard University and NBER
Yi Qian, University of British Columbia and NBER
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, University of Chicago and NBER
Raffaella Sadun, Harvard University and NBER
Fabio Schiantarelli, Boston College
Daniela Scur, Cornell University
Timothy Simcoe, Boston University and NBER
Chad Syverson, University of Chicago and NBER
Neil Thompson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John Van Reenen, London School of Economics and NBER
Christopher Woodruff, University of Oxford
Julie Wulf, Harvard University
Daniel Xu, Duke University and NBER
Lynne G. Zucker, University of California at Los Angeles