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Nikhil Agarwal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Mohammad Akbarpour, Stanford University
Joshua Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Nick Arnosti, University of Minnesota
Lawrence Ausubel, University of Maryland
Oleg V. Baranov, University of Colorado, Boulder
Jenna Blochowicz, University of Virginia
Aaron L. Bodoh-Creed, Amazon, Inc
Eric Budish, University of Chicago and NBER
Bo Cowgill, Columbia University
Clayton Featherstone, University of Pennsylvania
Amy Finkelstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Ying Gao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yannai A. Gonczarowski, Harvard University
Aram Grigoryan, University of California, San Diego
Nima Haghpanah, Penn State University
YingHua He, Rice University
Nicole Immorlica, Microsoft Research
Yunan Ji, Georgetown University and NBER
Adam Kapor, Princeton University and NBER
Mohit Karnani, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scott Duke Kominers, Harvard University
Andrew Komo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robin S. Lee, Harvard University and NBER
Shengwu Li, Harvard University
Chang Liu, Harvard University
Tianwang Liu, Harvard University
Irene Y. Lo, Stanford University
Benjamin Lubin, Boston University
Brendan Lucier, Microsoft Research
Mohammad Mahdian, Google Research
Thayer Morrill, North Carolina State University
Stephen Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Erica Moszkowski, Harvard University
Edwin Munoz-Rodriguez, Northwestern University
Christopher Neilson, Yale University and NBER
Thi Mai Anh Nguyen, New York University
Roi Orzach, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael Ostrovsky, Stanford University and NBER
Bobak Pakzad-Hurson, Brown University
Parag A. Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Georgios Petropoulos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marek Pycia, University of Zurich
Rithvik Rao, Harvard University
Eitan Sapiro-Gheiler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Suproteem K. Sarkar, Harvard University
Sven Seuken, University of Zurich
Adam Solomon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Paulo J. Somaini, Stanford University and NBER
Tayfun Sönmez, Boston College
Kane Sweeney, eBay Research Labs
Vasilis Syrgkanis, Stanford University
Kentaro Tomoeda, University of Technology Sydney
Bertan Turhan, Iowa State University
M. Utku Ünver, Boston College
Rafael Veille, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel C. Waldinger, New York University and NBER
Chenyu Yang, Yale University
Mao Ye, Cornell University and NBER
M. Bumin Yenmez, Washington University in St. Louis
Haoxiang Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

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